Wednesday 5 August 2020

35 ace attorney 6 - chatting with bonny de famme

Dear Readers,

Athena and I popped into the dressing room, where we met Trucy's bunny girl assistant, who introduced herself as Bonny de Famme. She had trouble confronting us about taking Trucy's notebook, because she also had a very bunny-like timid manner. She also deeply admires Trucy as a fan and would do anything for her, including helping us prove her innocence.

I got a bracelet reaction when Bonny said she always performed her trick perfectly. I expected her nose to twitch when she said that but instead there was like a pair of eyes under her hat looking around shiftily and I said "Gotcha!"

I feel bad for using her timidness against her, but I had to confront her to admit she messed up Trucy's escape.

What happened was Bonny made Mr Hat appear on the wrong side of the coffin, but Trucy was able to deal with that mistake on her feet and pull off the trick anyway.

We asked Bonny to help us get to the understage and she said she would, but then, Roger Retinz came into the room to talk to Athena and me. He showed us the contract Trucy signed, specifically the part where the second party would have to pay three million dollars if the show got cancelled. Yikes! He enjoyed and recorded our shocked reactions, worthy for reality tv or viral social media posts.

He then left with Bonny to do more filming, doing his slimebally "Hang loose, baby" surfing gesture. 

First it was Phoenix's life, now it's this money threat hanging over our heads! What did that guy hate about the Gramaryes and magicians so much anyway? We had to go see Trucy.

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