Thursday 20 May 2021

10 xeodrifter - rocketing back to my ship

Dear Readers,

With my new Rocket ability I shot up the next shaft I came across. I was also pleased to learn I could manoeuvre a bit and cancel the boost as well if I wanted.

To the left was a huge block enemy and a heavy barrier I still couldn't break yet that blocked the way to a weapon upgrade. To the right was a lava pool to dash across. This made the path loop around to a shaft that dropped down to just before the grey boss. Very tidy!

Now to backtrack and find shafts to explore with my new ability. I backtracked up that shaft I found earlier in the fork in the path. I guess that's a sign there's an ability ahead, when there's a forked path and one of the branching paths has an obstacle you can overcome and backtrack through with that ability. It was a similar thing with the Run and Plane Shift abilities. I guess with the sub too, but that was a while back to remember fully.

I did come across an unexplored shaft on the way back, but it was near the beginning and I wanted to go back to my comfy cosy ship and save before making any more progress.

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