Monday 3 May 2021

15 the starship damrey - more clues about the crew in the captain's journal

Dear Readers,

I went into the captain's quarters. It was about the size of the doctor's room.There were two very interesting clues here with lots of information.

On the desk there was the regulation book. It was open on the page about the Cold Sleep Chamber locking itself when oxygen falls below safe levels. The oxygen can then be increased with the oxygen lever in the Airlock Chamber. Very handy!

On the bed was the captain's journal with crew observations! Bobby seemed to be drunk, Danny was getting too familiar with female crew and the captain reassigned the rooms because of this. Large seemed to be hiding an unrequited love for Nick, Lt. Cardiff filed a complaint about Alex's music, which the captain found childish. The captain lost the ring he was going to give Alex after all that work. He often thought of Alyssa and longed to see his daughter with a ring of her own.

Interesting stuff. I went back to the archive to make more observations. We finally have the last name, Alex, which could be the last lady's name and she may be the captain's daughter and her room may be close to Abdul's room, but that's still just a guess for now. I know now for sure that Danny's room isn't next to the last lady's room.

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