Sunday 23 May 2021

13 xeodrifter - defeating the green boss for a new weapon

Dear Readers,

I returned to the purple planet with my new Rocket ability to do more exploring. This time I was able to make my way to the dot at the top left part of the map. Along the way, I came across more heavy barriers. I guessed the boss here must be holding on to the ability that lets me through them!

This time, the boss was green. I died a few times to it and it seemed its new ability was firing lasers while in the shield mode. I made my rapid fire full power and that kept it at bay but I wondered if there was a better way to go about it. I kept the pressure on it and whittled its health down to defeat while in the background, which was kind of cool. The prize it dropped was back there too.

The new ability was the Solar Flare, a charged weapon I was able to equip and unequip with a touchscreen tap. It couldn't combine with the other weapon upgrades but it was nice on its own.

I continued into the tunnel that looped back to before the boss room, trying out my new weapon. I found that it also acted like a shield that deflected bullets and I could run into enemies with it as well. It felt like a nice new fun weapon to use and master!

I grabbed the gun upgrade above this area and backtracked to the ship so I could save, having fun with my new weapon along the way.

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