Sunday 2 May 2021

14 the starship damrey - exploring the other bedrooms to find out who owns them

Dear Readers,

After leaving the cockpit with the captain's ID access, I returned to the crew members' quarters to check out the other rooms I couldn't before.

The first I checked was opposite Bobby's room. Inside was a space leech to exterminate and a teddy bear on the desk. Didn't find out whose room this was.

The second was opposite Abdul's room. I went inside and the light here was flickering. There was a journal on the bed and I had a look. Whoever wrote it said they installed a system that took the ARs to the vents, though the captain wasn't thrilled about it. Then they mentioned a grenade... whoa... They said in an emergency, how could they get the captain's approval. Hmm... must note for later.

The last two rooms at the end of the hall were unexplored as well. I went into the one marked number 15 on the map and it was another flickering light room. I could hear a space leech but had trouble finding it. There was a picture of a woman on the locker, the same one as in my Cold Sleep chamber! It was Lucy! That means this had to be my room. I ought to be able to open the locker in that case but I couldn't with the robot. I saw no sign of that space leech either, so I left.

I checked the last remaining room across the way from mine. The light was okay and there was a rugby ball on the bed. That was it.

Next up was the captain's quarters. I decided to just unlock it for now and go look in the archive for the new crew member discoveries.

I looked at Danny's profile. It said he liked to observe and listen rather than argue, but things always seemed to go his way. It also said he was a hard man to read, which made people a bit uneasy around him. Some kind of poker face master strategist?

I looked at Captain Edward's profile. This was written in the first person, so it was him that was writing these profiles. It laid out his sworn commitment to this mission and had a lovely little prayer at the end, in that big-hearted American way. He admitted his unease about accepting this years long mission to Keplar 22b.

I looked up the actual planet and it's pretty interesting! A planet that may be habitable but we don't know for sure yet! Might look up more later.

All that's left are two unidentified people and a question mark. The two are a man and a woman as seen in the crew photograph, but the question mark person isn't there.

So who owns what bedroom? What we know so far:

The captain and doctor have their own rooms.

Room 11 had a teddy bear. Resident unknown.

Room 12 was Bobby's Room and had the whisky bottle.

Room 13 had a journal of someone who installed vent access for the ARs. Resident unknown.

Room 14 was Abdul's room, presumably because he was in the locker.

Room 15 was my room, whoever I was. I had someone near and dear to me named Lucy.

Room 16 had a rugby ball. Resident unknown.

Another bit of information is the captain mentioning Mei Ling's possible feelings for someone named Nick. That's probably the remaining guy and it's probably me, but I'll keep an open mind until I can say for sure. In any case, there's one name we don't have yet.

I also want to say that it's probable that Danny is the one who installed that vent access, since his body was found in there. I don't know who the rugby ball is connected to though, and I have a feeling that it isn't Large since he doesn't mix well with people at all.

I don't have any information at all on the remaining lady and I don't really want to assume she owns the teddy bear or the rugby ball yet. I need to keep an open mind about that too.

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