Saturday 15 May 2021

5 xeodrifter - returning to ship with the run ability

Dear Readers,

After gaining the run ability from the red boss, I continued beyond.

The path led me to a lava pool. I was able to use my newly obtained run ability to dash across it! This way looped back to the path that led to the boss, so I went the other way.

I came across those mean bomber flying enemies and was better able to deal with them since I had higher ground. Running still wasn't the greatest idea though.

I got back to the fork in the path and took the lava filled route this time. There was a weapon upgrade in the middle of it!

I continued backtracking until I got to the beginning and returned to my comfy spaceship to save and decide where to explore next.

Before I fought the red boss there was a hole above me I couldn't explore as there were no platforms to climb. I'll come back later.

There were lava pools on the purple planet, so I returned there now that I had the run ability. 

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