Tuesday 18 May 2021

8 xeodrifter - exploring the red planet (not mars)

Dear Readers,

I had to go on to the last new planet to explore, the red planet. Not to be confused with our own red planet, Mars.

This planet had red blistery walls, which were very Metroid like indeed. The first thing to see was the powerup in the background blocked by the strong barrier. I guess I can always use that barrier as a handy test for whatever abilities I'll discover.

The music here was pretty dramatic, as if maybe it was the last planet.

The first enemy here was new and it was a huge stone block with an eyeball that made this huge noisy beam shoot now and again. I ducked and increased the wavy laser to deal with it. I was glad that I could customise weapon upgrades on the lower screen while the game was paused.

I got past this big block enemy and ran across the lava pool to the next area. Another new enemy was this green bouncy blob that just bounced around. In the background, another huge block enemy guarded the path that led to the bottom of another hole. Further on, there was a health upgrade that was in the wall and blocked off. I also saw another one of those "!" things just before a plane shift barrier. Still not sure what they do.

I went into the background and dashed across the lava pool back there. I was able to shift back but had to keep the momentum to reach the other side of the front pool.

Then I had to dive down with the submarine. At the bottom there was a secret passage in the right wall that lead to another lava pool and heavy barrier I couldn't pass, so I'll have to come back.

I continued and met a piranha plant like enemy that spat shots in the same pattern all the time. Handy enough to deal with.

There was some more plane shifting and before diving again I found another secret passage in a left wall that lead to a chamber with some cool graffiti! It said "MAX WOZ HERE!" and it had a scene with Max from Mutant Mudds scrawled out on the wall. Lovely easter egg! :) Handy health restore here too.

The path split in two here going straight down a long way. One was just a pure drop down a shaft with a risk of landing on enemies and the other was full of water. They both met at the same place with a door going into the next area. I made sure to have explored as much as I could before proceeding, so I wouldn't have to deal with the respawned enemies until later. There's a pro tip for you!

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