Monday 31 May 2021

2 attack of the friday monsters! a tokyo tale - chatting with megami at the tv station

Dear Readers,

I tried finishing up my laundry delivery errand, but the bakery lady was only interested in talking about her dad's lunch! I wasn't sure what to do but I did find more glims at the swings nearby, including a very sneaky one hiding behind the tree.

I popped in to the diner and chatted with the owner. He wasn't in such a mood and said his son was playing at the vacant lot. I found a glim in the right hand corner.

I went towards the TV station and found more glims. I went inside and the strange lady was there talking about her anxieties for programming. We chatted and she introduced herself as Megami Yamada and she worked here. I asked her if I could call her Megami-chan and she said sure! She asked if I liked monster shows and I said I loved them! She was pleased to hear this. She said she was involved with production and came up with concepts. Chatting with her made episode 5: "Fight for Your Time Slot!" start. I asked her if I could become a Space Defense Department Junior Member if I ordered cake for her at Emily's bakery. She said that would never do and I couldn't bribe my way in! I found a glim to the right.

I left the TV station. I noticed that ladies are shown on the map as inverted triangles and males are shown as two pointed crowns.

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