Monday 17 May 2021

7 xeodrifter - exploring the blue planet and meeting those horrible flying chasing enemies

Dear Readers,

Time to explore a new planet with my upgrades, submarine, plane shift and run! I went for the blue planet. I was met with water, stalagmites, stalactites and a little blob thing that exploded in my face straight away. Welp!

I went back to the ship to top up on health and tried again. The music was a lovely groovy David Wise-like jingle.

I dove deep and reached the bottom. To the left was a secret passage to a health upgrade. The path to the right led to a secret passage in the right wall that had a weapon upgrade. Nice thing to get right away.

Enemies here that shot in different directions now shot in more directions and in pairs of shots. At least now I was able to fire even faster with my upgrades.

Then I met a scary and awful enemy with wings that chased me! I was able to beat it but I was in bad shape and had to return to the ship to recover and save. It looked a lot like the awful flying enemies with wings in Metroid but much bigger.

I was able to defeat it and make some progress. Then I came across health and weapon upgrades that were trapped behind walls where I couldn't reach them! I have to move past them for now.

Further on were another two of those horrible flying bug things! I died several times to them and they are terrible! They take so many hits and they keep flying away and dive bombing you!

I died several times and tried to just go past them. Then I came across lava pools on both the regular plain and back plain along with those impassable barriers that stop me from plain shifting. Dashing between them while also trying to avoid those flying enemies was not easy!

Then I came to a dead end and couldn't progress further. I was at the bottom of a hole again so I had to go back to the ship, or in my case, die again so that area isn't explored on the map. I know what's there though at least. It's scouted out in my mind.

I wonder if those roundy things with the "!" next to the barriers have some kind of mechanism? I tried shooting them but nothing happened.

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