Thursday 27 May 2021

17 xeodrifter - exploring the blue planet and defeating the blue boss

Dear Readers,

Now that I have more abilities and firepower, it's time to explore the blue planet.

I found that the big chasing flying enemies take two fully powered shots of the solar flare to be defeated. However, my upgrades were now fast enough and powerful enough to take them out without too much hassle! Pretty happy about that!

I continued past where I couldn't go before with the Rocket and found a passage to the left that had a health restoring enemy. There was a heart on the back ground so I took that to mean this was a refill station. Back on the path up ahead was a heavy barrier, so I'm glad I didn't immediately come here when I got the Rocket before the Solar Flare.

The path continued towards the boss. Before facing it I guessed that the ability it was keeping had something to do with the walls I've been seeing between me and upgrades and paths.

This time the boss was blue and I beat it on my first try! I was very powerful and used charged Solar Flares on it. I was also able to damage it while it was in barrier form so that was nice. Made the battle go a bit quicker. Its new attacks included unleashing smaller minions of itself to chase me. It was a close battle though and I was left with 1 health remaining!

The new ability I got was the Phase! Or was it Phaze? I'll spell it with an 's' for now. This ability lets me do a type of quick dodge where I disappear and shift forward a few paces before reappearing. 

I made my way back to the ship, finding new paths and upgrades, including ones that I had seen before but couldn't reach. More health and weapon upgrades which were always nice.

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