Friday 14 May 2021

4 xeodrifter - back to the green planet to explore and find the run ability

Dear Readers,

After goofing with the save system, I went exploring the purple planet again until I got the plane shift. I got some health and gun upgrades too.

I returned to the green planet and covered my tracks to see if I had missed out on anything. Straight away there was the health upgrade near the beginning. There was another health upgrade to find with this method on the way to the first boss I fought. There's a hidden path in the corner of the cave where you go up and turn left for the boss and that's where I found it.

I could plane shift in the boss room too but there was nothing to find. I continued and looped through the waterway to the beginning. Here I was able to plane shift and explore another water tunnel loop for another weapon upgrade. I was still near the entrance, so I made sure to save!

I explored further with the plane shift and went to a section where the path split in two. The high road had a lava pool, the low road was a waterway. They both met in the same place and the path rejoined.

Further on was a new enemy that was big and mean looking. It dropped bombs that exploded into bits whenever I got close, so I had to be strategic when shooting at it. For now, I was happy with using the rapid shot to get a few hits in and run away!

I continued to where I had to plane shift and climb and continued to the next boss. Again it looked the same but it was red this time and it had a different pattern.

It was able to encase itself in a bubble and float after me. I had to plane shift and this made it try different attacks. It didn't seem to like when I stayed on the back plane as it attacked harshly whenever I went back there! It was pretty hard to plane shift from the front because I always had to jump first. It took a few tries, but I was able to beat it with some quick manoeuvring and the quickshot fully powered with my 3 weapon upgrades!

When I beat it, I got the run ability. This was like a sudden charging dash that kept going until you hit something or you cancel it.

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