Wednesday 5 May 2021

17 the starship damrey - nick's awakening!

Dear Readers,

The moment I entered the Cold Sleep Chamber, the ghost girl appeared right in front of the robot with her arms stretched to her sides, making a barrier!

I tried approaching but she said with voiced dialogue "Don't come this way!" yikes...

I retreated a bit and checked out the Cold Sleep capsules I could reach. To the left was Capsule 7 and it was Large's. To the right was Capsule 8 and it was Mei Ling's. I knocked on both of them but there wasn't any answer. They weren't in use anyway.

I then approached the ghost girl again and she disappeared. Yeeks.

I checked the next two cold capsules. Capsule 5 was Bobby's, wasn't in use and had no response to a knock. Capsule 6 was Alex's capsule and it was in use! There was no response to knocking and there was an option to open, but it couldn't be open from the outside.

Capsule 3 was Captain Edward's, wasn't in use and had no response to a knock. Capsule 4 was Abdul's, wasn't in use and had no response to a knock.

Capsule 1 was Nicolas's and was in use! It had no response to a knock though.

Before going further I checked Capsule 2, which was Danny's and was in use as well! I gave it a knock and this was the capsule I was in! What's going on?

This capsule was different to the other ones and had an outer lock. I couldn't open it from the inside. It said I could unlock from the outside by using a password.

I got the prompt for the password and the Lucy music started playing. There were four characters, so I entered the word "Lucy", unlocking it. When I did, some new music started playing. I couldn't open the capsule with the robot, so I had to do it myself from the inside.

When I pressed the blue button on the touch screen, the capsule opened up. Then, a big green hand came out of it along with some creepy noises! Then bam! The credits started playing! Whoa!!!!

When the credits were over, the next scene showed the inside of a capsule with a man's voiced dialogue, thinking the ship got back to Earth. The computer verified the voice and said good morning to 2nd Lieutenant Nicolas Weaver.

Nicolas wasn't able to open the capsule and asked the computer what was going on. The computer told him the ship wasn't able to avoid the asteroid belt and suffered damage. The computer then revealed the Keplarian that was confined got violent and killed several crew members. It wasn't around now but the low oxygen levels prevented him from opening his capsule.

Nick asked for video footage and was shown a robot! The computer told him a user trapped in a Cold Sleep Capsule was controlling it. Nick asked who it was and the computer told him it was a guest, since no voice print files matched. He asked which capsule it was in and was shown the one with the weird lock that I opened.

It was then revealed that 3 Keplarians were captured by the ship. One was injured and was getting treatment. Abdul insisted on this.

Then it turned out the Keplarians were studying humans much longer than humans had been studying them. They seemed to know the humans' technology, solar system and culture.

Nick didn't know how the Keplarian got into the capsule and determined something must've happened while he was asleep to make the others lock it in there. He was astounded that it was able to take control of AR-7. He asked the computer to cut the connection.

The computer, SAM, sounding very much like HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey, told him he didn't have the authority to rescind guest users' privileges. He was puzzled and asked about the captain. SAM told him the captain wasn't responding.

Nick then said he accessed Captain Goddard's home video from the archives and projected a hologram of his daughter in hopes of confusing or scaring it, but it didn't faze it! So it was Nick who created the ghost girl! Nick also tried to use the other working robots to slow it down, which explained the jumpscare attacks.

Nick then observed that the robot avoided trouble instead of causing it and even tried to help Abdul before he died, but noted it could've just been helping others to help itself. Nick tried using the crane and everything, but couldn't outwit or stop the robot.

Nick then noted that it was thanks to the Keplarian that he escaped his capsule as well. All that was left to do was to confront it, and his chances were slim. If he failed, the mission would be a failure and mankind would suffer the consequences.

Nick said he would set the Damrey's self-destruct mechanism for one hour and confront the alien. If he won, he could disarm the mechanism and enter Cold Sleep until he could get back to Earth. This journey would then take three years. He said if he didn't return, to please regard the crew and himself as killed in action. He signed his name and then the ending screen appeared.

Wow... what an amazing twist and what an excellent story. I thought I was actually him for a while! I didn't think I was a Keplarian the whole time!

That was a superbly suspenseful and entertaining game with excellent and well-paced plotting. I loved it!

But wait, there's more! There's the linked content and Nick's profile to look at in the archive. In Nick's profile, the captain had great admiration for him, calling him rational and level-headed. He said Nick's quick thinking led to the successful capture of the Keplarians and hoped that this mission would be the turning point of the war.

Didn't know anything about a war. I thought this was like a mission of exploration.

The only profiles left blanked out were the last lady, whose name I can safely assume was Alex, unless there's another twist! Then there was the question mark profile.

There's other stuff too like Key Words, but I'll have a look next time.

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