Thursday 18 November 2021

1 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - my first photo

Dear Readers,

I've been itching to give this game a proper go. It's called Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder in the U.S. I've still got Zip Lash on the backlog for a long time but I will get back to that someday.

I am Chibi-Robo! I open my eyes in a dark place and head toward the red light. Before all this I turned on SpotPass for this game, though I don't know what good it'll be nowadays. The red light happens to be a button, which makes me fall through a trapdoor when I press it.

Meanwhile, my assistant, which looks like an anthropomorphized smartphone wonders where I am. He's talking with an old man who tells him no need to fret. I drop down on his beret covered head and onto the desk next to the smartphone critter. Apparently, the home portal needed to be configured. His name was Mr. Curator and he was delighted I showed up at all.

He announced his plan to open up a NostalJunk museum and I was the only one who could help him. He showed me something called Silhouette Film and gave it to me, telling me I'll be using this to capture stuff for exhibits. The smartphone then introduced himself as Telly, which is a bit confusing as my assistant was an actual telly in the original game. He showed me a special PC laptop, which he called the Chibi-Robo Portal Console, or Chibi-PC for short. He then told me to step on the pad and showed me how to use it.

It's cute the way I step left and right to navigate my way around the Chibi-PC! The 3DS camera's viewfinder came up and I chose the film with the circle shape on it. I decided to take a picture of a 2 Euro coin to fit the shape. Telly then transported me into the past to cut the shape out of the photo in the form of a badge and bring it back to him. So it sounds like this game takes place in the future of whenever and wherever now is! He also took a keepsake photo, whatever that is. After this, I put the badge in the exhibition machine. For some reason the photo came out green? I'm not sure what's going on.

Mr Curator was delighted and went to the exhibition room. Telly said I could go there via the Chibi-Copter, which he pilots himself, and taught me how to charge myself to keep my Watts up. After recharging, I went to the Exhibition Room after Mr Curator.

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