Sunday 7 November 2021

50 steamworld dig 2 - exploring the west desert

Dear Readers,

I decided to visit the west temple where I started the game and see if I could find anything there.

I couldn't warp there unfortunately because there were doors I couldn't go through in time. I decided to hike westwards out of town.

I got to an area called the West Desert and it was 0% explored for secrets. Lots of goodies to find here! I found a cave called Tenacious Trollies and went inside. It was another puzzle oriented trolley stage and it was easier than the last one I did. Plus, I was upgraded so much that since I could shoot bombs while in the air, I didn't have to push or stack a single trolley! Haha!

I explored further west until I got to the point where I fell in to the temple because of the earthquake. Remembering it all now! I went further west until I got to my old campsite at the very beginning. Then I climbed up the cliff until I met Zebulon Yonker, one of the brothers! I was wondering when I was going to find another one!

He gave me a blueprint that makes the game more difficult. I thought I had found everything but the rating was at 85% for this area. I went back to town and upgraded the Jet Engine to Le Rhone 69 and equipped the Air Cooling.

The Air Cooling is an amazing upgrade! It happens so fast I can stay in the air forever while flying!

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