Thursday 4 November 2021

47 steamworld dig 2 - the credits and ranking with more to come

Dear Readers,

Back on the surface it looked like it was the end of the world and the town was crumbling into chaos and fire. The townspeople were queueing for the professor's rocket.

The mayor blubbed it was mayors and childbots first! His mother said there were still bots in the mine so they had to wait. The Professor said she could hold the launch for a minute or two but after that they had to blast off.

A shiner chancing his arm pretending to be Barnacle Jones said something unintelligible. Very funny disguise! The real one was close by though.

Just then, I appeared with Rusty in a flash next to everyone, who looked at us. They were glad to see us and we all had to rush on to the rocket. There was no time to go back for Fen.

After that, the credits rolled along with drawn scenes of the dramatic escape on the rocket as the planet crumbled. Other rockets fled the planet as well. Many of these scenes had me looking in the distance sadly. 

The planet crumbled into huge chunks that drifted in space around the core of it that was still intact. In the last few scenes I was there with Rusty, planning to rebuild the world and find Fen.

That's it for the game's story! I didn't particularly like Fen that much but they turned out to be a good companion and assistant for Dorothy. Their taste for destruction was sometimes amusing alright.

In my ranking, it shows I beat the game in 18:55:26, earning me a bronze star; I got 12 deaths, earning me a silver star; I obtained $16,574 in wealth, earning me a gold star; finally in secrets I got 72%, earning me a silver star.

This final scene with Dorothy and Rusty became the title screen. A very nice one. I was able to resume my save from before the boss fight so I think I'll do that. I'd like to find more of the secrets.

I really liked this game as well as the original one. That original one made more of an impact though. This one really developed the world into something bigger but that first one was very mysterious. Both games are excellent and well worth playing. I'll be playing more of this to find secrets! Then I have to decide what to play next... hmm...

And yes, I'm pretty happy to see Rusty back and ok! What would a sequel to this game be like? SteamWorld Rebuild maybe.

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