Sunday 21 November 2021

4 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - sous-chef job gathering pork belly

Dear Readers,

I decided to explore the Latenight Garage a bit more. I couldn't do all that much since my battery only goes up to 50 and it depletes fairly quickly.

I found a tiny stamp and some rubbish. I forgot to mention the bin last time. She has a nice voice and she thanks me for my waste. Very polite machine!

I showed Mr. Curator the tiny stamp I found. He said they were made by the NostalJunk Society and if I collected enough of them and mail them in, I could earn a special Silhouette Film copy. Nice! He gave me a stamp book to fill and showed me where the mail box was.

Next I decided to do another job. This one was from K&M and was titled Go Fetch, Sous-Chef. K&M stood for Ketschbourg and Mostardin and it took place in the Sunny Kitchen. I took the job and warped there.

The two chefs were busy fetching ingredients and were expecting me. They were nice, had funny French accents and asked me to get them pork belly from the fridge.

The food in the fridge wasn't labelled because it was a guessing challenge. There were a few cuts of meat in there but I picked the one that looked like slices of streaky bacon could be cut from it. It was correct and the chefs were delighted with me! I got full points and success on this.  It was cool and a little weird to see them go cooking and then squirt ketchup and mustard out the tops of their heads, but it was cool.

I had enough Happy Points to buy another Silhouette Film Print, so I got one. I think I'll continue doing the jobs for now.

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