Friday 5 November 2021

48 steamworld dig 2 - finding secrets and shortcuts in archaea

Dear Readers,

Now that I had the game beaten, it was time to explore and look for treasure, secrets and puzzles! I started by upgrading the Jackhammer twice to the "Ivan Drago" Mark IV and equipping the Sky Assailant, which lets me use Pressure Bombs while in the air.

I started looking for secrets in Archaea, the main mine below town. I had 75% of them found and it was a big area to cover. I dug up all the stuff in the tutorial area, found an artifact there, and kept going down the main mine, excavating everything I could find.

I was glad to complete Rapture Rock Hollow, as I was stuck on that one for a while. I just needed the jetpack and hook shot really for that remaining cog near the top.

I was thinking of a cog that was out of reach and ended up finding a shortcut to the east temple! Right at the Golem Altar. I found a lantern here that lit up one of three lights I found at a switch earlier. There was a fire golem here too but it didn't do much but be in the way. Above this area was a path to another artifact. I headed back to Archaea because I wanted to focus on that area.

I worked away until I got to the Lower Mining Outpost, then took a break. 84% of secrets found in Archaea now.

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