Wednesday 24 November 2021

7 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - exploring the three areas as a free robot

Dear Readers,

I headed to the Sunny Kitchen where I met the ketchup and mustard chefs. They were thinking up recipes and just had a little chat with me. That was it. There was some rubbish and dust to wipe up so I took care of that. There was a bin here as well on top of the electric hob. Kinda dangerous.

I only stayed a little while because I had to recharge again. Hopefully I can upgrade my battery at some point like in the other games.

I then headed to the Starfall Desk. Drake asked if he should look for a nemesis like the heroes on TV. I said no and he thought maybe that was a good idea after all, to just focus on patrolling and keeping the peace. I gathered some rubbish, put it in the bin and headed back to the office.

I had enough to buy more film so I bought No.05., some kind of cylinder shape. I didn't know what to photograph.

I continued exploring and went back to Latenight Garage. That weird thing with the bedpan hit me on the head happened for no reason. I explored as much as I could and found a Chibi-Tot behind rolls of duct tape and a stamp on an object at the corner of the table. I found a battery that lets me continue for longer, though I had to cross a treacherous narrow platform with a turn to get to it. I was pleased with that tiny bit more exploration I was able to do.

I returned and recharged, then came back to this area. I explored it more, reaching the top shelf and finding another Chibi-Tot. There was nowhere else to go so I just decided to do the robot's quiz for the heck of it. He asked what the animators did on episode 16 and I said they gave it their all. It was correct and he gave me 3 happy points. He said there was a time when the kids loved him and then he thought those kids must be adults now. That's kind of sad.

I printed out Silhouette No.06, which looks like a fast food drink cup. I'll have to remember to take a picture of one next time I go to a fast food place!

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