Friday 26 November 2021

9 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - cleaning up at starfall desk

Dear Readers,

I returned to Starfall Desk. This time the robot was here instead of Drake. I answered his quiz.

He asked the title of episode thirteen and I said it was the Nightmare Reawakens, which was correct. Woo! I figured, since it was thirteen.

I did my tiny bit of cleaning, ran short on my tiny battery, went to the bin with my tiny bit of rubbish. I wonder if it's possible to reach 100% capacity in the dust bag? It doesn't seem possible somehow.

I returned after recharging and Drake was here again, planning his patrolling schedule. I found a stamp on the sticky tape dispenser. I hoovered up some more.

I returned after recharging again and found a stamp on a book. I stepped on the camera button and it printed a picture of some kind of telescope in the room? Afterwards, I climbed to the next shelf and didn't find much, but I did see Chibi-Tot on top of the lamp.

I returned, where Telly told me I had enough points for the next film. No.07 looked like a media disc like a CD or DVD, so I bought it. I'll think about what disc to photograph next time.

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