Thursday 11 November 2021

54 steamworld dig 2 - the secrets of the temple of the destroyer

Dear Readers,

I decided to explore the Temple of the Destroyer, starting with the new entrance I found above the main one in the Windy Plains.

I found some cogs and resources in this small but packed area! I was quite pleased with it. I also found one of those torches that made one of those three lights light up. Just one more to go.

I had 71% of this area explored already. Near the start of the main entrance was a fire golem I overlooked completely. I got it to move and it led the way to a cave called Demon's Crib. This was a deadly area with a rising lava level. There was a hidden artifact where I had to dive down into the actual lava and swim through it to a chamber in the bottom right to reach it. I had to escape quickly just to survive.

I then went down through the Conveyor Maze and gathered all the stuff I missed before up until the warp point. To the right of the warp point I found another fire golem and made it get out of the way of another torch to light, which was the last of the three lights I had to do. I'll make my way back to that switch eventually.

I continued and found another cave called Roasted Romp. It wasn't especially hidden but I did overlook it completely. In here was a platforming challenge with punching blocks and it was very easy to navigate with my jetpack which was nice.

I went back to town and upgraded the jackhammer to the Mjolnir Drive, which was the final upgrade in the entire game. I had every piece of equipment maxed out now! There was still equippables. I equipped the Mid-tile Express and the Aquatic Regenesis.

I continued exploring the temple until I got to the Hanging Lava Gardens warp point. I had the area 84% explored of secrets at that stage. I'll continue later.

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