Monday 28 February 2022

3 xenoblade - mingling in colony 9, reading tutorials

Dear Readers,

I just realised I got the name wrong of the place where Reyn and I live. I said it was Colony 7 but it's actually Colony 9. I got mixed up with an old arcade game by Taito. Whoops. I corrected it in the last post so the mistake is not there anymore.

I wandered around town slowly and night turned to day again. The music became more lively and booming.

I learned how to use the shops. Buying, selling... seeing stat differences and stuff. I didn't really know what to buy or sell right now so I didn't do anything. There are categories for weapon, headgear, upper body gear, lower body gear, arm gear, and footwear. it's all very dizzying right now. There are abilities to buy as well. Not very descriptive but it might be worth saving up for them. Who knows. Not me that's for sure.

I got tutorials for quests and equipment. There are concepts like having affinity for areas, quests I can only do to a certain point in the story and equipment that have slots for gems, complicating equipment even further. Wow there's a lot to learn.

I spoke to someone in the market named Sonia, who was deciding what to buy to make for dinner, talking about cabbage parcels. I got a tutorial about the affinity chart. This shows a lot of detailed information and how things can change when you complete quests. It was amusing to see someone's personality as "Really likes Shulk" haha. I looked up Sonia's entry on the chart. I had to zoom out to find her. She was all the way in the top left corner and her personality was "Beautiful widow". Wow. A bunch of other information is displayed too. 

A tutorial came up for trading items with other people. It said I can only trade if I handed over an item that was worth more money than the one I wanted to take and I could get a bonus if I traded something really valuable.


There was a lady selling ether lamps, calling out to me with text box appearing. She had discounts and everything. Couldn't buy anything though but she kept selling. That was weird and funny.

A man with an exclamation point over his head said his niece asked him to get her something cute and wanted help. This came up as a quest! I had to collect 2 Rabbit Diodes in Colony 9. I accepted it.

A woman named Marcia said her grandsons were training to fight each other. She hoped the younger would win as he was her flesh and blood and wanted to give him biscuits to encourage him to train harder. His name was Jiroque and I accepted this quest to give him the biscuits. It said he was in the Residential District. She thanked me and gave me some biscuits for myself too! I looked up her personality and it said "Kindly old lady". How nice.

I learned about Nopon, described as cute and fluffy and they came from somewhere around the Bionis' back. Might need to note that. I chatted with a small blue dude who made a cute little noise. I assume this thing is a Nopon. It talked to me about crystal formations.

More mingling next time.

Sunday 27 February 2022

2 xenoblade - learning to fight alongside reyn

Dear Readers,

A year after the opening battle, the protagonist mutters happily to himself as he scavenges the remains of the mechanised beings for parts. One of them comes alive and his friend joins in to help. The tutorial continues.

This time it's about cooldown, one of my least favourite mechanics in games that's become prevalent over the years. The enemy is eventually beaten and a chest appears with Iron Krabble Shell and Small Shell inside.

There's another monster to deal with and the concept of Aggro to learn.

I am Shulk! The protagonist! The friend who came to help me is Reyn, a name that rhymes with "time", so he likes to say "It's Reyn Time" a lot, inspiring one of the earliest memes inspired by the game.

Aggro is a red ring around the character the enemy is focused on, and it's explained here by encouraging me to use a back attack while the aggro is on Reyn. Nice way to encourage a bit of strategy.

After the fight, Reyn scolds me for going outside the colony but he has praise for my interest in figuring equipment out. The Monado, is the one piece of equipment that's a mystery to me. We make our way back.

I take the spoils of the battle, a Caterpile Syrup and a Broken Antenna. I look through the menus as well for a bit, looking at the tutorials and achievements. Some of the tutorials are in the form of conversations between characters, explaining abilities and strategies. I better go through this stuff really slowly. There's explanations for menu abilities as well as concepts of Break, Topple, Daze.

I tried to get used to the system a little more by fighting other creatures. Then I picked up Sweet Wasabi and this introduced the "Collectopaedia". Whoo... what a spelling. Imagine if Wikipedia was spelled with the British English style!

It's a straight path back home to Colony 9. We fight a bit, plunder a bit, pick up some other bits and it's night by the time we get there.

The music of the town is a lovely gentle tune. The music outside was nice too and had a bit of a wild beat to it as well. Reyn heads away to report while I declare I'm going to the equipment lab to sell stuff I can't use. It doesn't feel natural but it does do a bit of worldbuilding and explains a feature, which has its own charm.

So I'm big into gadgets, while Reyn is a big burly dude who's good at fighting. I got it. There doesn't seem to be a bestiary though, which is a let down. On the bright side, enough time has passed for many online resources to pop up.

Some more tutorials came up about shops, trading, accepting quests and a note to encourage doing quests and trading while doing the story. One of my memories of the game was being at a disadvantage when the story bits got a bit too tough for progress, so I'm going to take my time now.

Saturday 26 February 2022

1 xenoblade - haven't played since 2011, starting fresh

Dear Readers,

I've decided to start Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii. I'm going to call it Xenoblade and leave out the "Chronicles" part.

I got this game when it came out in 2011. I played for 10 hours and stopped after a couple of weeks. It's become a series of games now so I reckon it's time to start playing. I'll be using my red Classic Controller Pro that came with the game while also glancing at the reverse boxart now and again, which shows the protagonist in a field looking far off into the mountains at some kind of sinister looking settlement.

The game opens with a prologue of two titans in battle. One lops off a limb and they both dig their swords into each other. This leads to the present day, where humans and machine like beings are battling with each other constantly.

A man with a big red sword holds his own against the machine beings, while an older man tries to talk sense into him. Another man with dark circles around his eyes plots to flee battle.

This big red sword is the Monado and I'm playing as this man with my big red controller for the moment while I'm re-learning controls. I love this controller and I always thought it was a great idea to pack it with the game.

I fight the enemies with the two others. I move around and use the menu options to enhance the abilities of my team and to make big attacks. Everything is noisy with booming orchestral music, lots of stuff happening on screen and everyone with English accents shouting the same battle cries over and over again. This game was localised in Europe after all.

More drama plays out as the older guy and myself help out one another, while the dark circle-eyed guy runs away from battle, laughing like a villain. He ends up with many laser pointers all over him while we fight on.

The camera zooms out. This area is on one of the titans from the prologue and the title "Xenoblade Chronicles" appears dramatically.

We learn the machine beings are after the Monado. The next scene takes place a year later with the protagonist scavenging the remains of the mechanised beings for parts.

Friday 25 February 2022

100 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - becoming justice master of the galaxy

Dear Readers,

I went back to Drake in the garden and this time his quiz questions were for graduating from Level 5 to the Master Level!

He asked if the goddess of Justice had no sense of Justice since she wore a blindfold. I said no.

He asked if the name of the goddess Iustitia came from Latin. I was a little confused looking this up because of the font and the capitalisation of I, but I found that the answer was yes.

His final question was if my sense of Justice had surpassed his own. That's a tough one! Like a test of character! I said yes!

I got them all right! I achieved Master Level and 5 Happy Points. He said he had nothing more to teach me about Justice and congratulated me on becoming Justice Master of the Galaxy!

I spoke to him again and he said his usual thing about only having one round per day. I wonder if that's really it? It seems conclusive.

I will check but I think this is it for Chibi-Robo! Let's Go, Photo! (AKA Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder). I absolutely loved it except for the dodgy photo taking and some of the more gamble-y mini-games. Nice way to end it on the 100th blog post too. Thanks for reading!

Thursday 24 February 2022

99 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - the correct answers to drake's level 4 quiz

Dear Readers,

I decided to go for level 5 in Drake's quiz, since I had nothing else left to achieve.

He asked if it was ok to take two slices of someone's baked cake. I said no.

He asked if it was Just to cross when the traffic light is flashing. I said no.

He asked if you should never arrive at a dinner party empty-handed. I said yes.

I passed! He said selfish people knew nothing of justice and said I achieved Level 5!

It looks like there's a level 6 but I have to wait until the next day. Hrm...

Wednesday 23 February 2022

98 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - defeating drake with gyro aiming and achieving platinum!

Dear Readers,

I finally shot down Drake for good! It was after taking a good rest... and switching to gyro mode!

Seriously, I found him too hard to catch on the third encounter where he shows up. I kept failing again and again and having to start from the beginning again and again. I took a good long rest and switched to gyro mode.

I was quite shaky with the gryo mode! I love aiming this way in Zelda though. I sat in a swivel chair and turned when I had to. I got 343 points and shot the last round where Drake moves around really quickly. This time when I got him, flames erupted from his body as he fell! On the score counting screen, he laid flat on his back! That was really satisfying! I like him and I think he's a nice, swell fellow, but it was satisfying to finally succeed in this job.

Only problem was I didn't get platinum. I tried another couple of times and improved my combos to get 373 points, but I still didn't get platinum!

I tried more and more until I got 394 points and a combo of 48 and this got me the platinum at last!

This was a satisfying mission though. Hearing Drake stutter in exhaustion at how I did was great. He towers above me, yet here I stood with him lying on the flat of his back in front of me. 

I didn't know what else to do so I went to see him in the garden. I took on his quiz to get me to level 4. The answers were 1: that wasn't his theme song, 2: you can tell justice and evil apart, 3: justice was indeed about dreams and aspirations. I got them all right and he said I must be a really big fan to know the true name of his theme song. I wonder if there's a level 5? In any case, I might check to see if there's anything else to do. Other than that, I've achieved everything in the game! I'd love to move on now!

Tuesday 22 February 2022

97 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - drake employs me to shoot at him

Dear Readers,

Drake had a platinum job for me as well so I went to check it out. It was the shooting mini-game again, but this time he wanted me to shoot at him!

Oh my goodness. This was another level of difficulty for the shooting mini-game. Different patterns of balloons but now there were also blue clay targets that needed to be shot twice, which is ridiculous. Shooting at Drake himself was really bizarre but fun and he even made an unsettling wail as he fell to the ground!

For my first couple of tries I didn't succeed because the blue UFO didn't appear, probably because I didn't get enough clay targets.

I improved and made him appear twice more as well as the blue UFOs. A chime plays when you shoot enough targets to make him appear. On his third appearance he darted around so much I had trouble getting him and he slipped away! This meant an instant lose! Yikes!

I practised and really got into it but I kept losing. Then I had to take a break because my thumb was getting tired.

After my break I was zapping again like mad and doing really well until Drake's third appearance when I couldn't catch him again. Then I had to charge the 3DS.

I'm going to try again tomorrow. I'm finished for the day.

Monday 21 February 2022

96 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - winning platinum trophy for cleaning the garage

Dear Readers,

I took on Joshy Bear's new job. It seemed to be the same as before, along with the 80% goal, but this time the garage was really dirty.

This was going to be easy though since I now had an infinite battery. I tried to get as many perfects as I could and I cleaned every bit of it up. I got 10 perfects and cleaned 100%, earning a score of 120 points. I also got a platinum trophy! Hooray!

I had to hoover up so much dust I had to change the bag three times! The most I've ever had to change it was once per visit. Not sure if this would be possible without an infinite battery. It was a nice breezy mini-game and I didn't have to repeat, which was lovely.

Sunday 20 February 2022

95 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - the final photograph

Dear Readers,

For the very last time, I had a photo to take of a drawing I made in MSPaint. This was for No.40, the Chibi-tot.

This drawing was ridiculous. Chibi-tot's limbs are far too small to draw properly, but I was able to snap an outline anyway.

Nothing particularly special happened when I took this last picture. I replaced the last double I had with Chibi-tot and went to the exhibit to see it. Mr. Curator was there randomly and he said a child asked him if you could eat NostalJunk. Unfortunately you can't, but he thought it would be a wonderful thing if you could.

That is food for thought! We all have memories of snacks from when we were kids and I miss the ones that aren't around anymore. Of the ones that are still around, there are bad changes like shrinkflation or artificial sweeteners. I'd love to eat snacks that are long gone, as long as they were still fresh!

Saturday 19 February 2022

94 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - winning the gold in superfast cars

Dear Readers,

I went back to challenge Moppi in the fast car, but then he introduced me to the superfast car! There's a third distinct challenge!

This time, the turbo boost was very fiery and made us do wheelies for a moment. On my first try I lost all three rounds to Moppi!

Strategy was different this time. I had to practise a lot but in general I pressed brake as soon as the ship part ended and the bowsprit part began.

"Bowsprit" is a new word I just learned.

There was a funny moment when I teetered on the edge and fell off. I then learned you can cheat by braking more than once per round. Interesting.

I laughed out loud when I eventually beat all of them. Moppa drove right off the bowsprit! Haha! I got the gold then!

I won a film by getting the gold. I'll take a picture of it next time.

But yeah. I now had all the gold trophies! Yay! Two more jobs after this that I can see.

Friday 18 February 2022

93 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - beating moppi and his brothers in the fast car for silver

Dear Readers,

I went back to Moppi to find out what the next challenge was that would get me silver and maybe gold.

He introduced me to the fast car and asked if I would like to try it. I said yes to this.

The challenge cinematic was the same until the chicken part where this turbo boost came out of both our cars. This was where things got faster. 

It was tougher to know where to stop but I was kind of using the appearance of the sea as a guide. Sometimes it helped, sometimes it didn't help at all. It's sometime after the sea appears at least.

I failed a few times and that's where the cutscenes got tiresome. At least I was able to press START and choose Retire, but I would've liked a Restart option. That would've saved so many menu button clicks and loading screens and dialogue boxes.

I eventually beat them all, which wasn't easy as Moppa stops right at the line. I scored 95 points which got me silver, so I assume I'll have to get more distance to obtain more points.

In the meantime, I got a Silhouette Film for getting all the silver trophies. This was No.39 and it was Telly.

Telly was much easier to draw than Chibi-Robo. He grew a stand as well when I took the picture. I put it in the exhibit and replaced the second roll of toilet paper.

Thursday 17 February 2022

92 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - defeating moppi, moppo and moppa for the first time

Dear Readers,

Moppo's driving chicken job was next. I didn't get any trophy yet because the maximum wins I got in this so far was 2/3 rounds.

Again, it was just a matter of practice. I still had to deal with repeat dialogue boxes, menus, and loading, but at least the racing cutscenes were fun to look at. Sometimes they mixed it up a little as well with the odd obstacle manoeuvre, so it kept somewhat fresh.

This time I even met Moppi and Moppo's other brother Moppa. He had a deeper voice and was all decked out in gear. He stops pretty close to the edge. I was able to defeat him after a few goes as well and this made me win the bronze.

When I got the bronze I got a special delivery for obtaining the bronze trophies! Woo!

I decided to take the picture and it was no.38, the shape of Chibi-Robo! Except, what in the world is Chibi-Robo shaped? I took to drawing again.

When I drew it out and took the picture, it grew a stand a bit like an Amiibo. I put it on display and replaced one of the repeating exhibits. Mr. Curator's description was nice as well, saying without me the museum would still be just a dream.

Wednesday 16 February 2022

91 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - finally catching 30 pork bellies for the gold

Dear Readers,

I had a few more goes on the pork belly catching mini-game and I finally beat it.

My high score was 29 and I spent ages trying to get the 30 and I finally did. I had to put up with nasty vegetables falling in to the bowl, seriously I've never hated them so much.

I always feel like I 'm going for broke when catching the pork bellies because they're so big and hard to catch. I had to tilt like crazy. I also had to pretty much memorise the pattern, which wasn't easy due to having to navigate menus, dialogue boxes, cutscenes and loading screens you just can't skip.

Anyway I got the pork bellies, K&M were happy, and I finally got the gold in this mini-game. It was hard work.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

90 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - scoring 29 in the pork belly drop harder version

Dear Readers,

I went back to the pork belly catching job again and it didn't seem to offer any other pattern. I had to choose between the easy/long and short/hard difficulties by saying either no or yes respectively. It's not clear at all but I know it now at least.

I did the easier round and didn't get a great score. 

In the harder round I had an absolutely miserable time. Not just with playing the game itself, but the loading screens for getting into it and being ejected from it when I lose. It's hard to memorise the pattern when all this computer crap is going on.

I managed to get 29 points as my personal best. Between all the loading screens I got distracted and fatigued and eventually I had to stop playing.

It's not just the loading screens but all the repetitive dialogue and having to press A to get through them all. It's just so boring.

Monday 14 February 2022

89 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - obtaining silver catching all meat and no veg

Dear Readers,

It may be Valentine's Day, but I have no love for this mini-game I'm trying to get gold in. It was a struggle to get bronze. I'll try my best for silver.

This was the Fridge Trouble job from K&M. After obtaining bronze, I went back and Telly asked me if I noticed the smoglings. I said yes and he said to avoid the other food the smoglings were throwing down and just focus on the pork bellies. it's harder this time. At least the other food doesn't end the game but they make me lose points.

This version was even meaner than the last one! Between the smoglings and the vegetables, so much crap was falling! I had to tilt the bowl at times just to shield stuff from falling into it! I managed to score 25 in pork bellies and that won me the silver. Whew! The goal was 15 but I didn't know if that would win me the silver and I didn't care at that stage. On to the next one!

Sunday 13 February 2022

88 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - getting bronze in fridge trouble

Dear Readers,

The next job to get gold or any trophy at all for that matter was K&M's fridge trouble job where the smoglings are throwing pork bellies out of the fridge. I've only played it once or twice before.

Yeeks this one feels weird to play. I've played many mini-games where you catch dropping things before but this one feels weird. The bellies have to land the right way or they don't go in the bowl. Also, there's this quick dive move you can do to catch bellies that are far away. You can catch a bunch of them without any seeming rhyme or reason and miss a bunch just as easily. The goal is 25 bellies and I got 34 as I was learning how to get good at it.

After a few tries I could see that the bellies fell in the exact same pattern. I'm going to take note of them as I couldn't find any videos and couldn't get used to doing it otherwise.

Bellies drop in this order:

Right, middle, middle, smogling(middle), middle, smogling(left), left, left, smogling(middle), right, right, smogling(middle), middle, left, right, (quickly)left, left, middle, smogling(middle), (quickly)right, right, middle, middle, middle, middle, middle, left, (quickly)right, right, (quickly)middle, middle, middle.... argh...

Ok I had to stop. I'm going to leave that last paragraph even though it's incomplete and incorrect but it's hard to keep note of them without getting distracted and frustrated. They're not in three straight lanes anyway.

I then noticed there's a tilt mechanic, so I practised with that a bit and I eventually got 35, which made K&M happy and got me the bronze. Getting silver is a different kettle of fish so I'm saving that for the next post.

Saturday 12 February 2022

87 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - getting gold in shooting sushi with wasabi

Dear Readers,

Next up on the job list was Squid Vicious' one where you shoot wasabi at pieces of sushi fish. I've only played it a couple of times and I got bronze as my best. Now I'll try to get gold.

I had to do the "special menu" mode for this, or at least I felt I had to. Thing is, you can fail in a split second and you still have to go through loading screens and everything. It's a very strict job and the menus and dialogue and loading screens you have to go through are very very draining. I also have to put up with Squid getting viciously angry.

On my first successful no-mistake attempt I got a score of 193 points and the silver trophy, which made me happy. Mostly because I didn't make mistakes.

I kept going and made some more mistakes. Sometimes I can't tell if the white part is fish or rice in time and I'm in a hurry to shoot targets while I can. 

At one point I bested my score but still made a mistake, so I forfeited the trophy entirely. Yikes.

I decided to just pass 200 and stop trying so much. I kept as cool as possible and scored 263 and the gold trophy. It was after many many tries though. It's fun to get bonuses but it's not worth being inaccurate.

Friday 11 February 2022

86 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - gold prize in shooting 100 smoglings

Dear Readers,

Now to go for the gold in the 100 smogling job in the garden.

I tried taking my time and getting a decent combo score but it wasn't working out for me at all. I started a fresh session of it and just went for broke and shot all around me into the rapidly appearing clusters of enemies. I got a combo of 5 and had 30 seconds of remaining time, earning me 100 points and the gold trophy! Yay!

Thursday 10 February 2022

85 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - going for gold against the pawns of evil

Dear Readers,

I still had to go for gold in Drake's first smogling mission, so I took it on again.

After I took a turn at it I still had the bronze. I had 13 combo hits and had 6 seconds remaining. I tried again with more accuracy and tried to be faster too.

After practising a bit more I got 22 combo hits with 9 seconds remaining, keeping me at the silver standard.

On the next round I went swiftly and carefully and scored 44 in combos and had 12 seconds remaining! This got me 90 points and the gold! Hooray!

Wednesday 9 February 2022

84 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - getting gold standard of cleaning for joshy bear

Dear Readers,

I took on Joshy Bear's Squeaky Clean job. I had a silver trophy already, so I went for the gold.

It was gonna be really easy now that I had an infinite battery!

The place was even dirtier than last time too. I didn't know if I had to get stains and dust piles cleaned with the "perfect!" affirmation, but I tried my best anyway. I got 6 of them perfect but not all.

It didn't seem to matter because when I got the place 100% clean I got the gold trophy! Woo!

Tuesday 8 February 2022

83 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - earning 210 points and gold trophy in justice training

Dear Readers,

So far on Drake's Justice Training I only had the bronze trophy. I wanted to try to go for silver and gold.

It took several attempts but I kept getting the same old score between 110 and 120. This kept me on the bronze. I had to focus on combos and that worked out really well eventually. I took my time with the clay targets and I took advantage of that delay when the balloons become smaller balloons by shooting other balloons in between. I got a really good combo of 46 which added a lot to my final score of 210, earning me the gold straight away! Very happy with this now!

Monday 7 February 2022

82 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - demolishing the first danger test

Dear Readers,352

I had two of SGX's terrible jobs fully finished and obtained the gold in them, so now I only had one to go, the first danger sensing test.

It took many many tries and I basically brute forced the thing, going from 1 to 8. Funny thing is, the red boxes don't appear until the second and third rounds. I trusted the little hint that said that red didn't equal danger and with that tip I beat all the rounds! It took many many attempts though. It's very hard to get through the first round. I'm not sure if the red box thing is foolproof either and at this stage I don't care. I'm moving on from this awful job.

I took the gold and left. Goodbye, SGX! I'm never speaking to you ever again!

Sunday 6 February 2022

81 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - finally destroying the distance test and taking the gold!

Dear Readers,

Since I now have unlimited access to jobs, I decided to get SGX's distance test out of the way once and for all.

He sprung some new rules on me. He wanted me to stop only when I was sure and to not do any pushing. I had to be exact in what I wanted. I said yes to understanding him and carried out the test. I got all three attempts right! However I didn't get any trophy?! What's going on?

I decided to take note of the background when making guesses, brute force style. I then learned that the trophies are only awarded in the normal mode with the old rules.

The screwdriver handle where it changes from black to light green is 7cm 5mm.

The part of the screwdriver where the handle ends and the shank begins is about 13cm.

The tip of the screwdriver (I assume it's a screwdriver) is just over 18cm.

The right side of the blue can is just over 26cm.

The right side of the red and grey can is about 38cm 2mm.

I had enough information gathered to win both silver and eventually gold. Thank goodness I can move on from this horrible job.

Saturday 5 February 2022

80 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - obtaining immortality

Dear Readers,

After finishing the story I loaded the game and found myself having a chat with Telly. He encouraged me to get even more NostalJunk for the museum now that it was bringing in even bigger crowds. He said the Job Mails have been flooding in as well. Also, there's a new page in the Silhouette Catalogue!

I had a look and he was wrong about the catalogue, probably because I unlocked all of the main ones already, but he was right about the jobs! Lots of them here. I wonder if I can do them as much as I want now? I'll try a few of the easier ones...

K&M were talking about an injury one of them got when he slipped on a mushroom. He asked if I agreed that the other worried too much and I said yes. They then asked me to get three ingredients for mushroom meatballs. I looked it up and it does look tasty! I had to get mushroom, a leek and the minced beef to make them happy.

When I got back from the job, Telly brought my attention to the 25,807 visitor tally we had. It seems I had to finish the story and do a job before he noticed. Also, for passing the 20,000 visitor mark he congratulated me. Mr. Curator then gave me a battery upgrade. I now had infinite Watts! I never needed to worry about running out again! Hooray! However, I still need to plug in to save, but that's grand!

K&M's job stayed in the listings! I guess I can do them whenever I want now instead of being limited to only a few a day! Hooray! I took it on again and this time they wanted three ingredients for Caprese Salad, some kind of appetiser. I had no idea what this was so I looked it up. It looks simple but very pretty and fancy. A restaurant might charge really high prices for it. Ah well. All I needed were a tomato, basil leaf, and mozzarella. They were happy and talked about their trip to Capri and Blue Grotto.

I took on K&M's job a third time and they wanted three nightshade vegetables. I got the potato, tomato and green pepper. I had to look them up of course. They were delighted. I got a gold trophy for getting all 20 correct! I went back and they had a consecutive challenge for me, asking me to do all the previous ones but in a row. Interesting, but I wasn't in the mood now. I might do it later.

Friday 4 February 2022

79 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - filled the museum and finished the story!

Dear Readers,

While looking online, I heard you can beat the game by simply filling the exhibits, even if it's with Silhouettes you have done before. I decided to print 3 new ones from ones I haven't 100%ed yet. I chose the can, the paper roll and the drinks cup.

I drew them out and got them all 100%. After filling the last one a cutscene played!

Telly and Mr. Curator congratulated me for filling all the exhibits and also thanked me for Mr. Curator becoming a published author. Telly then rang and Mr. Curator got news that the museum has been awarded this year's Contribution to Culture Award! Hooray!

They also wanted us to design the medal for the award, so I got Silhouette Film No. 41. It was a circle and I drew a smiley face on it. Telly asked if I was sure as it was permanent and I said yeah. I didn't care. I've had enough of this.

Mr. Curator sent it off and several days later he was at the exhibits again with flash photography going off. He was once again on "Culture Hit TV" with the chirpy anime girl host. This time he had me in his hand as well! She asked him some questions and he answered with names of cakes! Then she asked him if NostalJunk were pasta dishes, what kind would they be?

Poor Mr. Curator. He got all flustered again and answered with weird things. He looked like he was going to collapse again. She answered with lasagne as a suggestion.

Afterwards she asked me a question! She praised my hard work and asked if I was a NostalJunk. I said yes and she was like wow, wondering if she could become one too before laughing. Then Mr. Curator perked up and said it was absolutely possible that anything from the present could become NostalJunk in the future! He was much better able to speak and got all inspiring when he said NostalJunk could be anything you wanted it to be! It could be something meaningful and then you can share that with others!

The interviewer asked him to sum up today's message with a pose and with a yell saying "NostalJunk is the greatest!" he leaped up into the air in a freeze frame with me and Telly jumping beside him.

Then the credits played out! Some interesting names in there like Oink Games and the late great Satoru Iwata of course. Some Japanese university is there too, so could this have been in part a student project? Neat.

The characters in the game paraded while bits of their themes played in a medley. Then finally, Telly and Chibi-Robo took a bow and that was it. Back to the title screen.

I took a sneak peak for endgame content and it looks like there is! I'll check it out next time. For now I'll say I enjoyed the bits of story as I filled the museum and seeing how Mr. Curator became successful with this project of his. It's really nice! It may not be as compelling as saving a family from divorce like in the first game, but it's still lovely all the same.

Thursday 3 February 2022

78 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - moppi's time trial in the garage

Dear Readers,

I decided to revisit the characters and chat to them about whatever they wanted. I wondered if that would do anything else.

At the desk, Drake talked about how he forgot how to go to space. He asked me if I thought he ever knew to begin with and this time I agreed with him. I have a feeling this conversation I had with him before will go the same way whether I say yes or no at this stage.

At the garage I met Moppi! He challenged me to a time attack and I ran over to him in about 19 seconds. He gave me some happy points.

I revisited and met Joshy Bear. He was pleased to have his dancer back again and offered to show his commercial again. That's it really.

At the kitchen I got the ham sandwich recipe off K&M. I revisited until I could meet Clayra to give it to her.

At the garden I took on Drake's quiz for level 3. This time I said yes for justice being about passion, yes to a penny saved is a penny earned, no to his attack being Twin Lizard. I got them all right and achieved level 3! Hooray!

I may not need to do much more of this stuff anymore but it was cool seeing Moppi in the garage for a change.

Wednesday 2 February 2022

77 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - soy sauce etiquette with sushi

Dear Readers,

For the first time in a while, I decided to go do some free roaming and free cleaning.

At the desk, I met SGX. He asked me who upgraded Geotron X in episode 9. I said it was Professor Boffin and it was correct. Did he ask me this before? I cleaned around, found one of Joshy Bear's dancers and left.

At the garage, SGX was here too and he asked me the name of the upgraded Geotron X from episode 10. I said it was Super Geotron X and it was correct.

At the kitchen, Clayra was there. I cleaned up and moved on.

At the garden. Laroque was there. I had to search thoroughly for dandelions because one was hidden away inside that tunnel in the corner! I picked up a lot of stuff and left.

At the sushi bar, Squid was standing on the conveyor belt this time. He quizzed me on whether it was true or false that you shouldn't dip the rice part in the soy sauce. I looked it up and I found it to be true. He was pleased and said you should dip the fish part in the sauce. I assume you can dip whatever else you have instead of fish as well as long as it's not the rice. He said the soy sauce would make the rice fall apart.

Maybe I should retire from the cleaning, since I don't really need to earn Happy Points anymore. I just need to do the job trophies and possibly character interactions.

Tuesday 1 February 2022

76 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - german cuisine

Dear Readers,

Not a single job from SGX today! Good! Keep him quiet for a while. When he comes back on the list I'll break the rest of his jobs. For now I had the usual ones from K&M, J Bear, Moppi and Drake.

K&M got sentimental for German cuisine and asked me for 3 suitable ingredients. I had no idea so I went to look it up. Thanks to GameFAQs message board I saw that it was sausage, potato and cabbage. They were delighted and told me I could become a great chef! They hung onto their own partnership jealously as usual though haha. It's very sweet.

Joshy Bear had the same cleaning job for me. He praised my improvements in my cleaning skills and wished he could improve his album sales. The goal was still 80%. I cleaned around and it felt like it was harder this time, as if the game adjusted to my improvement. There was the biggest dust pile I had seen yet in the game. It was beyond that dodgy balancing part too. Telly even advised me on camera usage, as if I had never done it before. I didn't on this job anyway. I guess the increased workload made sense since I now earned a silver trophy. I cleaned it 100% again!

I took on Moppi again and beat him in the first round! However, I lost against Moppo twice! He beat me in round 2 and I fell off in round 3. I'll meet and beat their other brother someday!

Drake's job was the balloon shooting again. I did very well in it, probably got a high score but I didn't get another trophy in a long time. Maybe I need to focus on accuracy?