Monday 7 February 2022

82 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - demolishing the first danger test

Dear Readers,352

I had two of SGX's terrible jobs fully finished and obtained the gold in them, so now I only had one to go, the first danger sensing test.

It took many many tries and I basically brute forced the thing, going from 1 to 8. Funny thing is, the red boxes don't appear until the second and third rounds. I trusted the little hint that said that red didn't equal danger and with that tip I beat all the rounds! It took many many attempts though. It's very hard to get through the first round. I'm not sure if the red box thing is foolproof either and at this stage I don't care. I'm moving on from this awful job.

I took the gold and left. Goodbye, SGX! I'm never speaking to you ever again!

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