Sunday 13 February 2022

88 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - getting bronze in fridge trouble

Dear Readers,

The next job to get gold or any trophy at all for that matter was K&M's fridge trouble job where the smoglings are throwing pork bellies out of the fridge. I've only played it once or twice before.

Yeeks this one feels weird to play. I've played many mini-games where you catch dropping things before but this one feels weird. The bellies have to land the right way or they don't go in the bowl. Also, there's this quick dive move you can do to catch bellies that are far away. You can catch a bunch of them without any seeming rhyme or reason and miss a bunch just as easily. The goal is 25 bellies and I got 34 as I was learning how to get good at it.

After a few tries I could see that the bellies fell in the exact same pattern. I'm going to take note of them as I couldn't find any videos and couldn't get used to doing it otherwise.

Bellies drop in this order:

Right, middle, middle, smogling(middle), middle, smogling(left), left, left, smogling(middle), right, right, smogling(middle), middle, left, right, (quickly)left, left, middle, smogling(middle), (quickly)right, right, middle, middle, middle, middle, middle, left, (quickly)right, right, (quickly)middle, middle, middle.... argh...

Ok I had to stop. I'm going to leave that last paragraph even though it's incomplete and incorrect but it's hard to keep note of them without getting distracted and frustrated. They're not in three straight lanes anyway.

I then noticed there's a tilt mechanic, so I practised with that a bit and I eventually got 35, which made K&M happy and got me the bronze. Getting silver is a different kettle of fish so I'm saving that for the next post.

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