Tuesday 1 February 2022

76 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - german cuisine

Dear Readers,

Not a single job from SGX today! Good! Keep him quiet for a while. When he comes back on the list I'll break the rest of his jobs. For now I had the usual ones from K&M, J Bear, Moppi and Drake.

K&M got sentimental for German cuisine and asked me for 3 suitable ingredients. I had no idea so I went to look it up. Thanks to GameFAQs message board I saw that it was sausage, potato and cabbage. They were delighted and told me I could become a great chef! They hung onto their own partnership jealously as usual though haha. It's very sweet.

Joshy Bear had the same cleaning job for me. He praised my improvements in my cleaning skills and wished he could improve his album sales. The goal was still 80%. I cleaned around and it felt like it was harder this time, as if the game adjusted to my improvement. There was the biggest dust pile I had seen yet in the game. It was beyond that dodgy balancing part too. Telly even advised me on camera usage, as if I had never done it before. I didn't on this job anyway. I guess the increased workload made sense since I now earned a silver trophy. I cleaned it 100% again!

I took on Moppi again and beat him in the first round! However, I lost against Moppo twice! He beat me in round 2 and I fell off in round 3. I'll meet and beat their other brother someday!

Drake's job was the balloon shooting again. I did very well in it, probably got a high score but I didn't get another trophy in a long time. Maybe I need to focus on accuracy?

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