Saturday 26 February 2022

1 xenoblade - haven't played since 2011, starting fresh

Dear Readers,

I've decided to start Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii. I'm going to call it Xenoblade and leave out the "Chronicles" part.

I got this game when it came out in 2011. I played for 10 hours and stopped after a couple of weeks. It's become a series of games now so I reckon it's time to start playing. I'll be using my red Classic Controller Pro that came with the game while also glancing at the reverse boxart now and again, which shows the protagonist in a field looking far off into the mountains at some kind of sinister looking settlement.

The game opens with a prologue of two titans in battle. One lops off a limb and they both dig their swords into each other. This leads to the present day, where humans and machine like beings are battling with each other constantly.

A man with a big red sword holds his own against the machine beings, while an older man tries to talk sense into him. Another man with dark circles around his eyes plots to flee battle.

This big red sword is the Monado and I'm playing as this man with my big red controller for the moment while I'm re-learning controls. I love this controller and I always thought it was a great idea to pack it with the game.

I fight the enemies with the two others. I move around and use the menu options to enhance the abilities of my team and to make big attacks. Everything is noisy with booming orchestral music, lots of stuff happening on screen and everyone with English accents shouting the same battle cries over and over again. This game was localised in Europe after all.

More drama plays out as the older guy and myself help out one another, while the dark circle-eyed guy runs away from battle, laughing like a villain. He ends up with many laser pointers all over him while we fight on.

The camera zooms out. This area is on one of the titans from the prologue and the title "Xenoblade Chronicles" appears dramatically.

We learn the machine beings are after the Monado. The next scene takes place a year later with the protagonist scavenging the remains of the mechanised beings for parts.

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