Saturday 19 February 2022

94 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - winning the gold in superfast cars

Dear Readers,

I went back to challenge Moppi in the fast car, but then he introduced me to the superfast car! There's a third distinct challenge!

This time, the turbo boost was very fiery and made us do wheelies for a moment. On my first try I lost all three rounds to Moppi!

Strategy was different this time. I had to practise a lot but in general I pressed brake as soon as the ship part ended and the bowsprit part began.

"Bowsprit" is a new word I just learned.

There was a funny moment when I teetered on the edge and fell off. I then learned you can cheat by braking more than once per round. Interesting.

I laughed out loud when I eventually beat all of them. Moppa drove right off the bowsprit! Haha! I got the gold then!

I won a film by getting the gold. I'll take a picture of it next time.

But yeah. I now had all the gold trophies! Yay! Two more jobs after this that I can see.

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