Wednesday 2 February 2022

77 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - soy sauce etiquette with sushi

Dear Readers,

For the first time in a while, I decided to go do some free roaming and free cleaning.

At the desk, I met SGX. He asked me who upgraded Geotron X in episode 9. I said it was Professor Boffin and it was correct. Did he ask me this before? I cleaned around, found one of Joshy Bear's dancers and left.

At the garage, SGX was here too and he asked me the name of the upgraded Geotron X from episode 10. I said it was Super Geotron X and it was correct.

At the kitchen, Clayra was there. I cleaned up and moved on.

At the garden. Laroque was there. I had to search thoroughly for dandelions because one was hidden away inside that tunnel in the corner! I picked up a lot of stuff and left.

At the sushi bar, Squid was standing on the conveyor belt this time. He quizzed me on whether it was true or false that you shouldn't dip the rice part in the soy sauce. I looked it up and I found it to be true. He was pleased and said you should dip the fish part in the sauce. I assume you can dip whatever else you have instead of fish as well as long as it's not the rice. He said the soy sauce would make the rice fall apart.

Maybe I should retire from the cleaning, since I don't really need to earn Happy Points anymore. I just need to do the job trophies and possibly character interactions.

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