Thursday 3 February 2022

78 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - moppi's time trial in the garage

Dear Readers,

I decided to revisit the characters and chat to them about whatever they wanted. I wondered if that would do anything else.

At the desk, Drake talked about how he forgot how to go to space. He asked me if I thought he ever knew to begin with and this time I agreed with him. I have a feeling this conversation I had with him before will go the same way whether I say yes or no at this stage.

At the garage I met Moppi! He challenged me to a time attack and I ran over to him in about 19 seconds. He gave me some happy points.

I revisited and met Joshy Bear. He was pleased to have his dancer back again and offered to show his commercial again. That's it really.

At the kitchen I got the ham sandwich recipe off K&M. I revisited until I could meet Clayra to give it to her.

At the garden I took on Drake's quiz for level 3. This time I said yes for justice being about passion, yes to a penny saved is a penny earned, no to his attack being Twin Lizard. I got them all right and achieved level 3! Hooray!

I may not need to do much more of this stuff anymore but it was cool seeing Moppi in the garage for a change.

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