Tuesday 22 February 2022

97 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - drake employs me to shoot at him

Dear Readers,

Drake had a platinum job for me as well so I went to check it out. It was the shooting mini-game again, but this time he wanted me to shoot at him!

Oh my goodness. This was another level of difficulty for the shooting mini-game. Different patterns of balloons but now there were also blue clay targets that needed to be shot twice, which is ridiculous. Shooting at Drake himself was really bizarre but fun and he even made an unsettling wail as he fell to the ground!

For my first couple of tries I didn't succeed because the blue UFO didn't appear, probably because I didn't get enough clay targets.

I improved and made him appear twice more as well as the blue UFOs. A chime plays when you shoot enough targets to make him appear. On his third appearance he darted around so much I had trouble getting him and he slipped away! This meant an instant lose! Yikes!

I practised and really got into it but I kept losing. Then I had to take a break because my thumb was getting tired.

After my break I was zapping again like mad and doing really well until Drake's third appearance when I couldn't catch him again. Then I had to charge the 3DS.

I'm going to try again tomorrow. I'm finished for the day.

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