Sunday 6 February 2022

81 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - finally destroying the distance test and taking the gold!

Dear Readers,

Since I now have unlimited access to jobs, I decided to get SGX's distance test out of the way once and for all.

He sprung some new rules on me. He wanted me to stop only when I was sure and to not do any pushing. I had to be exact in what I wanted. I said yes to understanding him and carried out the test. I got all three attempts right! However I didn't get any trophy?! What's going on?

I decided to take note of the background when making guesses, brute force style. I then learned that the trophies are only awarded in the normal mode with the old rules.

The screwdriver handle where it changes from black to light green is 7cm 5mm.

The part of the screwdriver where the handle ends and the shank begins is about 13cm.

The tip of the screwdriver (I assume it's a screwdriver) is just over 18cm.

The right side of the blue can is just over 26cm.

The right side of the red and grey can is about 38cm 2mm.

I had enough information gathered to win both silver and eventually gold. Thank goodness I can move on from this horrible job.

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