Tuesday 15 February 2022

90 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - scoring 29 in the pork belly drop harder version

Dear Readers,

I went back to the pork belly catching job again and it didn't seem to offer any other pattern. I had to choose between the easy/long and short/hard difficulties by saying either no or yes respectively. It's not clear at all but I know it now at least.

I did the easier round and didn't get a great score. 

In the harder round I had an absolutely miserable time. Not just with playing the game itself, but the loading screens for getting into it and being ejected from it when I lose. It's hard to memorise the pattern when all this computer crap is going on.

I managed to get 29 points as my personal best. Between all the loading screens I got distracted and fatigued and eventually I had to stop playing.

It's not just the loading screens but all the repetitive dialogue and having to press A to get through them all. It's just so boring.

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