Monday 21 February 2022

96 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - winning platinum trophy for cleaning the garage

Dear Readers,

I took on Joshy Bear's new job. It seemed to be the same as before, along with the 80% goal, but this time the garage was really dirty.

This was going to be easy though since I now had an infinite battery. I tried to get as many perfects as I could and I cleaned every bit of it up. I got 10 perfects and cleaned 100%, earning a score of 120 points. I also got a platinum trophy! Hooray!

I had to hoover up so much dust I had to change the bag three times! The most I've ever had to change it was once per visit. Not sure if this would be possible without an infinite battery. It was a nice breezy mini-game and I didn't have to repeat, which was lovely.

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