Monday 28 February 2022

3 xenoblade - mingling in colony 9, reading tutorials

Dear Readers,

I just realised I got the name wrong of the place where Reyn and I live. I said it was Colony 7 but it's actually Colony 9. I got mixed up with an old arcade game by Taito. Whoops. I corrected it in the last post so the mistake is not there anymore.

I wandered around town slowly and night turned to day again. The music became more lively and booming.

I learned how to use the shops. Buying, selling... seeing stat differences and stuff. I didn't really know what to buy or sell right now so I didn't do anything. There are categories for weapon, headgear, upper body gear, lower body gear, arm gear, and footwear. it's all very dizzying right now. There are abilities to buy as well. Not very descriptive but it might be worth saving up for them. Who knows. Not me that's for sure.

I got tutorials for quests and equipment. There are concepts like having affinity for areas, quests I can only do to a certain point in the story and equipment that have slots for gems, complicating equipment even further. Wow there's a lot to learn.

I spoke to someone in the market named Sonia, who was deciding what to buy to make for dinner, talking about cabbage parcels. I got a tutorial about the affinity chart. This shows a lot of detailed information and how things can change when you complete quests. It was amusing to see someone's personality as "Really likes Shulk" haha. I looked up Sonia's entry on the chart. I had to zoom out to find her. She was all the way in the top left corner and her personality was "Beautiful widow". Wow. A bunch of other information is displayed too. 

A tutorial came up for trading items with other people. It said I can only trade if I handed over an item that was worth more money than the one I wanted to take and I could get a bonus if I traded something really valuable.


There was a lady selling ether lamps, calling out to me with text box appearing. She had discounts and everything. Couldn't buy anything though but she kept selling. That was weird and funny.

A man with an exclamation point over his head said his niece asked him to get her something cute and wanted help. This came up as a quest! I had to collect 2 Rabbit Diodes in Colony 9. I accepted it.

A woman named Marcia said her grandsons were training to fight each other. She hoped the younger would win as he was her flesh and blood and wanted to give him biscuits to encourage him to train harder. His name was Jiroque and I accepted this quest to give him the biscuits. It said he was in the Residential District. She thanked me and gave me some biscuits for myself too! I looked up her personality and it said "Kindly old lady". How nice.

I learned about Nopon, described as cute and fluffy and they came from somewhere around the Bionis' back. Might need to note that. I chatted with a small blue dude who made a cute little noise. I assume this thing is a Nopon. It talked to me about crystal formations.

More mingling next time.

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