Friday 25 February 2022

100 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - becoming justice master of the galaxy

Dear Readers,

I went back to Drake in the garden and this time his quiz questions were for graduating from Level 5 to the Master Level!

He asked if the goddess of Justice had no sense of Justice since she wore a blindfold. I said no.

He asked if the name of the goddess Iustitia came from Latin. I was a little confused looking this up because of the font and the capitalisation of I, but I found that the answer was yes.

His final question was if my sense of Justice had surpassed his own. That's a tough one! Like a test of character! I said yes!

I got them all right! I achieved Master Level and 5 Happy Points. He said he had nothing more to teach me about Justice and congratulated me on becoming Justice Master of the Galaxy!

I spoke to him again and he said his usual thing about only having one round per day. I wonder if that's really it? It seems conclusive.

I will check but I think this is it for Chibi-Robo! Let's Go, Photo! (AKA Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder). I absolutely loved it except for the dodgy photo taking and some of the more gamble-y mini-games. Nice way to end it on the 100th blog post too. Thanks for reading!

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