Friday 4 February 2022

79 chibi-robo! let's go, photo! - filled the museum and finished the story!

Dear Readers,

While looking online, I heard you can beat the game by simply filling the exhibits, even if it's with Silhouettes you have done before. I decided to print 3 new ones from ones I haven't 100%ed yet. I chose the can, the paper roll and the drinks cup.

I drew them out and got them all 100%. After filling the last one a cutscene played!

Telly and Mr. Curator congratulated me for filling all the exhibits and also thanked me for Mr. Curator becoming a published author. Telly then rang and Mr. Curator got news that the museum has been awarded this year's Contribution to Culture Award! Hooray!

They also wanted us to design the medal for the award, so I got Silhouette Film No. 41. It was a circle and I drew a smiley face on it. Telly asked if I was sure as it was permanent and I said yeah. I didn't care. I've had enough of this.

Mr. Curator sent it off and several days later he was at the exhibits again with flash photography going off. He was once again on "Culture Hit TV" with the chirpy anime girl host. This time he had me in his hand as well! She asked him some questions and he answered with names of cakes! Then she asked him if NostalJunk were pasta dishes, what kind would they be?

Poor Mr. Curator. He got all flustered again and answered with weird things. He looked like he was going to collapse again. She answered with lasagne as a suggestion.

Afterwards she asked me a question! She praised my hard work and asked if I was a NostalJunk. I said yes and she was like wow, wondering if she could become one too before laughing. Then Mr. Curator perked up and said it was absolutely possible that anything from the present could become NostalJunk in the future! He was much better able to speak and got all inspiring when he said NostalJunk could be anything you wanted it to be! It could be something meaningful and then you can share that with others!

The interviewer asked him to sum up today's message with a pose and with a yell saying "NostalJunk is the greatest!" he leaped up into the air in a freeze frame with me and Telly jumping beside him.

Then the credits played out! Some interesting names in there like Oink Games and the late great Satoru Iwata of course. Some Japanese university is there too, so could this have been in part a student project? Neat.

The characters in the game paraded while bits of their themes played in a medley. Then finally, Telly and Chibi-Robo took a bow and that was it. Back to the title screen.

I took a sneak peak for endgame content and it looks like there is! I'll check it out next time. For now I'll say I enjoyed the bits of story as I filled the museum and seeing how Mr. Curator became successful with this project of his. It's really nice! It may not be as compelling as saving a family from divorce like in the first game, but it's still lovely all the same.

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