Monday 6 June 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about this short visual novel by PinkTreeLeaf. It's about a girl who is going through depression. Never did that with my Android tablet before.

My bedroom is quite big but it is dark and dreary in here. I'm in bed all day and I just worry about school and about my weight. The choices of things to do come up and they are all part of the ennui of my daily life. Later on a boy I know comes to visit and he brought an alcoholic drink with him. He asks about how I'm doing, I talk to him about how I'm feeling, he offers me the drink and he puts his hand on my knee as well. After rejecting him, he leaves upset.

This girl's life is dreary! I'm not envious of her at all. The artwork is quite effective, all the rooms in her house are dark and not much light comes in at all. She has a sad looking expression and the boy that comes to visit looks sad too. This really isn't the kind of story I wanted to read but I was drawn to it. At least it was short and it was engaging for what it was.

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