Tuesday 28 June 2016


Dear Readers,

At this stage Joe was EL313 Thief, Nova was EL175 Samurai and I was EL124 Monk.

Quest 1: "Demon in the Depths"

I was a bit slow in starting, so Joe and Nova went ahead and did this quest.

Quest 2: "Eidolon Ambush Gamma"

The big one! 5 eidolons to defeat within 60 minutes! We spawned at Tinze Shores. Nova and I went after Shiva and Joe went after Ifrit. We got KO'd a LOT! To make matters worse, I didn't have any Phoenix Downs! Whoops! By the time we had taken care of both eidolons, we had about half the time left!

Nova and I quickly rushed to Dryad and Joe joined during the fight. After that, more running!

On the way to Ramuh, there was a Mom Bomb. I was like "Outta the way, MOM" and we ran past in a hurry. Joe stayed behind to fight it though, the daredevil!

We defeated Ramuh and continued running. We only had enough time for Diabolos, so we went for him last. When we defeated him, we had just 7 minutes left out of the 60 we had. Whew!

Quest 3: "The Hellfire of a Djinn in the Depths"

A bit more relaxing as we weren't so rushed for time. We beat Ifrit handily enough.

Quest 4: "One Perfect Diamond"

TWO aberrant Shivas! What was I thinking? I hardly spent any time on my own two feet during this battle because I was constantly getting KO'd. I lost count how many times! It wasn't completely embarrassing though, as I did manage to encase the remaining one at the end.

Quest 5: "Gilgamesh Strikes Back"

The subquest for Gilgamesh has a higher quota than the eidolon ones so I thought I'd do this again. Got KO'd a couple of times. His Ultimate Illusion attack is something else. I can't even Counter it without getting KO'd.

Quest 6: "Gilgamesh Strikes Back"

Gotta fill that subquest quota! This time I got KO'd fewer times. It's difficult to even run away from that Ultimate Illusion attack!

Nova calls him "Gilgy". That's cute :)

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