Wednesday 8 June 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about playing this game on the bus. The version I'm playing is the SEGA Arcade Gamer Portable so the jump and punch buttons are reversed to what I'm used to. It's not bad since I was playing at a slow and deliberate pace, punching everything and collecting everything.

I'd like to get used to the blocks that have guaranteed grim reapers, so that I can avoid them. Some of those blocks sometimes have extra lives in them too. Also, I have no idea what some of the items do, so I'll have to look up some instructions. There's this blue ball that doesn't seem to do anything.

Getting used to this game takes a bit of time. I forgot that the cycle-copter thingy breaks when you fly into the ceiling. Lots of risky rewards with the floating money bags just under the hard ceiling too.

I got as far as some cave a few levels in. There's this item that makes little guys jump out of it but I have no idea what it does yet. I didn't get further than this.

The Janken matches are something that put me off the game when I first played it. I didn't like the idea of some kind of random or gambling element in it at the cost of a life. I think there's a pattern to them or something. I'm not sure.

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