Friday 17 June 2016


Dear Readers,

Ziva and I went to the gym so I could start basketball training. While I was there, the soundtrack shifted to the ambient sounds of squeaky sneakers and teammates calling out. Very nice touch! :)

So I became the newbie of the team and little did I know that we were going to play against a team of girls. Also, one of them was Mysterious Girl X, the girl from whom I ran away earlier! I learned her name was Luce from one of my teammates. When she noticed me and the fact that I was playing against her team, it turned out to be something pretty interesting. It was funny when she tried talking to me in a hillbilly accent, responding in kind to me pretending to be an American in front of her earlier. At this point, Ziva was long gone.

One thing led to another and after an accidental three pointer I made, she made a bet with me that I couldn't do it again. Then of course the Fred Flintstone "bet bet bet bet bet!" alarm bells went off and I couldn't turn it down. My team won but I lost the bet with her, forcing me to agree to her terms.

Later on, Ziva, Ausse and I went to the school across from ours. Over there we met Luce again! Also, Ziva knew her! Dun dun dunnn! It really was time to clear up all those entanglements from earlier in the plot. Ausse was his usual self and sized her up and gave her a grade on her attractiveness.

Other than what transpired here, it was a lovely scene in this classroom with all of us hanging out and the soundtrack played this gentle jazzy tune that wouldn't seem out of place in the Charlie Brown and Snoopy cartoon! (Wouldn't a Peanuts visual novel be wonderful?)

Since I owed Luce, she brought me to the office of one of the staff and broke in to take the guy's keys. She had it in for this guy because he had no consideration for the cyclists when he parked his huge car. She brought me outside to his car, made me get in and she drove us out into the street!

Not the kind of girl I needed to owe something to! I actually expected to meet Claire again when I went to their school. Even if I did, I suspect there would've been a similar misadventure!

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