Tuesday 21 June 2016


ZX Spectrum Vega game #0011

Dear Readers,

It's been a small while since I've done a ZX Spectrum game so I'll talk about this adventure game.

It starts with me on a tour of some kind with my parents. I'm in a courtyard with a clock tower. It's not just text as there's an illustration of the area above.

When I typed in "HELP" it told me that other commands can be found in the booklet and that a hint sheet can be obtained by corresponding to the address found in the booklet. More help can be found by accessing the flip side of the game cassette. Unfortunately, this is all completely useless, as I'm playing this on the ZX Spectrum Vega! I'll have to look online if I want more help I'd say.

I wandered around and got separated from my parents. I explored several paths but not many of them had their own illustrations. I have to play this game in NTSC mode on my PAL TV for some reason or else it doesn't have colour. The problem then is the illustration has this weird flickery flashing thing going on. This is the case with many of the Vega games. I don't know what's up with my TV though.

I saw something moving but I couldn't follow or catch it. I then went to the cornfield. It's not illustrated but I quite like the way the game describes it and how the "bright yellow corn sways gently in the breeze". Quite an attractive spot to explore!

On exploring further, I found a scarecrow in a clearing. It's wearing a top hat and I decided to take it, but it seemed to sway out of my grasp and the game asked if it was due to the wind. Very mysterious indeed.

I then went back out of the field and headed to the coach park. From there I saw a sign that pointed to a hedge maze. It sounded fun so I went along.

I then got hopelessly lost in the maze. I couldn't even retrace my steps back! I could hear raised voices and reached a pavilion in the centre of the maze. I could also see something large and black flying overhead but couldn't make out what it was.

I didn't know what to do so I just quit the game, with 0 out of 250 points. The game told me to get lost when I quit out of it! Jeez!

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