Sunday 3 September 2017

35 kirby planet robobot - 6-1 the heavily guarded museum

Dear Readers,

Now it was on to Area 6: Access Ark! Finally, the mothership!

The map theme played a dramatic and slightly weird tune with guitar riffs. Things getting serious now.

The entrance to this level and to the area itself was pretty dramatic as well! Hopping across plains to the warp star with unsettling industrial echoes and wind blowing as an ambient BGM! Pretty cool! When I got on the warp star, it flew into the ship just before the opening closed up.

The first section was a long hall with a red carpet, with pictures and statues of this weird looking mustachioed purple dude all around. Is he the CEO? Haltmann himself?

Soon I had to face a mini boss in the form of a security robot of some kind. I used one Crash attack and a star against it.

The first Code Cube was opened up by a bomb block embedded in the ground. I used a Ninja Kick to break the block. Either ability from before the mini boss would do here.

During the section with the fans, I got a Candy from the crate against the left wall. I used it to rush through to the next section and destroy the second Security Force quickly. Very handy :)

After this was the second Code Cube. I had to pull the middle lever. Straightforward enough. After this was a sneaky secret passage beyond the door. It was just to a 1-up and even more portraits but it was a nice find. :)

The next section had a choice of pipes to go through. I was able to go up against the wall and see where they were leading before going through them. Be patient and thorough here! The section with the ESP enemy has a pipe that leads to the rare sticker hidden below out of view!

Another Security Force robot to face up ahead. It's pretty cool the way digital numbers display when you hit them. The Mirror ability is great fun to use here to Guard Reflect its projectiles back at it :) it's also handy for the annoying minion in the background shooting at you.

When you defeat it, the way opens to the end of the level, but don't go through the gate yet! In the bottom right corner is a switch that releases a chest containing the third Code Cube.

Here are the stickers I collected in this level:

Orbservors from Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble - Wow! This game never came out here so I've never seen these things before. They look like Kracko but with different patterns.
Haltmann Works Co. Logo from Kirby Planet Robobot - the rare sticker for this stage. I'm seeing this H-shaped logo everywhere in this area on plugs.
Ribbon Icon from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

I now have 175 stickers collected.

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