Thursday 28 September 2017

49 kirby planet robobot - completed the arena in 31:46.14 with mirror ability

Dear Readers,

Now it's back to Kirby to try The Arena! I picked the Mirror ability as I love its reflect shield move and wanted to try it out on other bosses!

First up was Clanky Woods. I was able to reflect its missiles, rocks, green steel balls and drills beautifully :)

It's nice that you can get stickers here too. I have them all already but it's cool anyway :)

Second was Holo Defence API. It put out Holo-Kracko, Holo-Doomers, Holo-Ice Dragon, Holo-Coily Rattler. I reflected the ice and other projectiles , but they were all vulnerable enough to be taken out with a few Mirror Cuts.

Third was Susie. This wasn't that smooth and I used my Maxim Tomato by accident. Her two ship projectiles didn't reflect so I couldn't rely on that strategy.

Fourth was Mid-Boss All Stars 1. Kibble Blade's blade I could reflect no bother, Blocky's rocks didn't travel far so I just spat them back instead and I did the same with King Doo and Dubior.

Fifth was Mecha Knight. Decent amount of projectiles like lasers and missiles but he puts out so many stars it was more lucrative to spit double doses of them at him.

Sixth was Dedede Clone. No real projectiles but I was able to counteract his splitting into mini Dededes by using my own Mirror Body split move :) When they got into the cannon there was a decent amount of things to reflect like bullets and even the flamethrower move.

Seventh was C.O.G.S.. This was the shmup/stg boss with all the cannons. No reflecting here.

Eighth was Mid-Boss All Stars 2. Security Force had lots of missiles and needles to reflect. Miasmoros' heavy poison blob spitballs you wouldn't think would reflect back but they do! Bonkers had his coconuts to reflect back and Telepathos too with its energy orbs.

Ninth was Mecha Knight+. Very dangerous this time with his claw and not as many stars were flying out of him at once, but still a decent amount of projectiles, especially when he was attacking from different plains.

Tenth was President Haltmann. Couldn't find anything to reflect back at him! The fake Susies couldn't be reflected. I had to beat him with other Mirror techniques.

Finally it was Star Dream. I was using the Halberd so no Mirror techniques here. Maxim Tomato came in very handy. It was all forms of the boss apart from the end of game QTE involving the Circle Pad. It ended just before that.

I completed this challenge and set a time of 31:46.14. The victory screen had a happy Kirby waving and holding a golden cup. Woo!

My StreetPassers' times were lower though, less than 30 minutes and even less than 20! Some records to beat ahead.

Back at the menu, The Arena got a star emblem and I got a message saying I unlocked The True Arena. A challenge for next time!

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