Wednesday 27 September 2017

48 kirby planet robobot - beat meta knightmare returns and unlocked jukebox!

Dear Readers,

Now it's time to face the haughty Haltmann as Meta Knight! Lots of butt kicking ahead in Lv6!

The Meta Knight base before this level is set in the virtual world and plays a remix of the Revenge Of Meta Knight final boss music.

Many instances of the Security Force robots but version 2.0 this time. It feels really cool to battle through the great halls of the Haltmann corporation as a knight on a mission! I feel a bit like Alucard from Castlevania here.

After tearing through the hallways it was on to the less Gothic interior of the Ark with all the technical mechanisms everywhere. While controlling Robo Kirby I accidentally fell down the hole. Was paying too much attention to the robot I was guiding instead of guiding myself as well! It was worth it though to beat a Security Force 2.0 robot instantly by getting the Robo Kirby to set off the switch.

There are many sections here that are autoscrolling or you have to wait for a star to appear. This can be a hindrance to getting good times I suppose.

I learned that you can blow the poison clouds away by using the whirling blade which is handy.

Weird virtual world then with the treacherous tetrominoes appearing and shoving in from the background. I'm faster with this character so I got on fairly well here.

The mid-level resting room played the opening cinematic music to Revenge Of Meta Knight :) Nice sense of foreboding here!

Next level was a remix of a lot of the areas from the game and some of the hologram bosses. Many minibosses too.

I can't hurt those giant underwater eels with this character unfortunately :/ Looks like the Hypernova from the last game is the only way they can be dealt with.

After the checkpoint it was on to the head office and face President Haltmann 2.0. No Susie this time. The pause screen gives an extra bit of lore, saying he lost his only child and daughter in an accident long ago. Could it be Susie? Must've been her. The game doesn't dwell a lot on this but we can see from this bit of lore that the Haltmann family, like many families, has its troubles.

After defeating Haltmann, the Star Dream came alive and started speaking, only this time without Haltmann at the helm. It addressed me as the "new admin" and took an interest in my powers, executing "Sword Master(.)EXE" and creating Dark Matter Clone, a whole new boss!

It started out with some projectile attacks, some of which I could bat back at it. About a third through its health, it revealed a big eyeball in its torso and shot more projectiles at me, some of which I could break down into bubbles.

After defeating it, the Star Dream spoke again, finding it impressive. "That may have been a bit too easy for you, admin" it said before creating a clone of the dual wielding Queen Sectonia from Triple Deluxe!

She attacked with lots of swooping and flailing. After about a third through her health, she attacked with psyche outs, giant spinning blades and using her swords to make huge red crystals flow across the ground. I used a lot of charged up whirling blade attacks until she was defeated.

Star Dream then brought about the final test and brought someone who was so powerful, he may have ended up destroying a nearby planet or two, "but such is life" as it said. I thought it was gonna bring Link here or something! But no, it brought out Galacta Knight. It was the final test indeed as Galacta Knight smashed up Star Dream as his first order of business before facing me.

He initially attacked with some fancy sword and shield play. After a third of his health, the music suddenly got more rocking and serious and he glowed very dangerously. He ramped up his attacks, making huge laser beams rain from above and was able to tear open huge dimensional holes that radiated what looked like pure chaos. All this in addition to his usual attacks. After lots of slashing, dodging and healing, I eventually defeated him! With this, he became encased in some kind of crystal and got sucked back through the dimensional portal from whence he was summoned.

And that was that! My Meta Knightmare trial for this game was now complete! The end screen showed me standing on the Halberd deck, along with my posse of knights around me cheering :)

For this level I completed it in 39:16.70. Together with the rest of the levels gave me a total time of 2:37:23.33. Still behind my StreetPassers records, who have completed it all in under 2 hours! Must get practising!

Then the credits rolled. It was another interactive one in the style of the one I did earlier as Kirby in the Robobot armour punching the names, except this time it was as Meta Knight slashing through the names. Some of them I batted away, some of them I slashed through. I wonder if they both counted though? In any case, I got a score of 578 here and it's separate to the Kirby punching one.

When I got back to the menu, I got a star emblem on Meta Knightmare Returns and the Jukebox had unlocked! Yay!

The music in the game is fantastic :) Plus it has loads of other Kirby tunes from previous games. In Kirby Triple Deluxe, you could listen to the music with the 3DS in sleep mode and I'm happy to say that it's the same here! There's an "auto" option, which makes the tracks fade out when they finish a cycle and go to the next one in the sequence. There are 162 tracks here.

The save file was now 89% complete. Still more to go, more great Kirby fun to have :)

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