Saturday 16 September 2017

42 kirby planet robobot - 6-8 ex longing for one last turn with the robobot armour

Dear Readers,

On the map, this level is crowned with a Robobot armour. Safe to say it features heavily! It also seems to involve the weird and wonderful virtual world.

The music here is a fast paced and dramatic remix of various Kirby themes.

Several doors in the first section, only one of which I could use at first. I would have to come back here with the Robobot Armour. The following sections had many obstacles that were breakable with the armour, but I had to endure them as little Kirby first. There were doors here especially for the armour too.

This trend continued for more sections and some treasures were locked away and were otherwise inaccessible without the Robobot Armour. One had a gear that needed turning and another was a treasure chest on top of a pile of billiard balls in the background. Many metal rolling logs here too. Made me want the Robobot Armour even more!

Rotating screen section next. This is a cool and only slightly disorienting effect. Doesn't affect actual gravity though. Some metal crates just itching to be punched with Robobot fists were here. I kept wanting the armour more and more!

Eventually I got to a dramatic non-music section which finally had the Robobot Armour! This level makes a very big deal of it!

I was now able to backtrack through all those sections and do all the stuff I wanted to do on the way here! I like the idea behind this :) the music also changed to a orchestral Green Greens rendition. It could be from one of the recent Smash Bros. games.

The chest on the pile of billiard balls had the first Code Cube. I just had to whack one of the moving balls back at it to bring it to the front.

It was so much fun punching all the metal logs, giant dice, billiard balls, hammers and other obstacles :) I couldn't punch any of the moving virtual blocks though.

The electric wire didn't yield any extra goodies besides a cherry and a 1-up. However, I kept turning the gear and the section fell out, revealing where two more Waddle Dees were hiding! This time they were playing Kirby's Adventure on a Famicom! I loved this part! I also got the second Code Cube for doing this :)

I eventually came back to the first section, and turned the gear to reveal a portal.

Wheel Mode section next! Just a fun little spin on hanging platforms.

Miniboss section next. This one was that fearsome mecha tree from the first level. I took it down handily with the blowtorch of the Fire Mode and got the third Code Cube :)

Big elevators in the next section. I wanted to explore the platforms around them but I couldn't let go of the gears until I brought them to the top. Oh well. Then there was a giant screen and a little blue switch. When I pressed it, the screen lit up with a Game Boy style scene with Kirby and Meta Knight jumping up and down and the exit door formed between them. The scene was from Bubbly Clouds and of course, there was the crescent moon that doubled as a secret door :)

Through this door it started playing the Kirby's Adventure title screen theme :D very nice surprise! Here I had to drop and collect items along the way. I was worried I was gonna miss the rare sticker and I did! I couldn't fly up, so I was gonna have to do the level again...

...or so I thought! At the bottom and on a different plain, there were these screws near the level exit. I turned them to see if they would do anything and none of them did, apart from the last one, which was extra long and reached all the way up towards the platform with the rare sticker! It turned out it was on a different plain and I was gonna miss it anyway :) had me going there for a while! I went on to finish the level.

Here are the new stickers I found in this level:

Mr. Shine from Kirby's Adventure
Lololo from Kirby Super Star Ultra
Flotzo from Kirby's Dream Land
Dream Hatcher from Special - The rare sticker for this level and the logo for HAL Laboratory :) I never knew it was called Dream Hatcher! Makes sense since it's a sleeping animal wrapped around some eggs.

On completing this last level I got a message of congratulations for collecting all the Code Cubes on the planet. For this I got another rare sticker! This was:

President Haltmann from Kirby Planet Robobot

I now have 194 stickers collected, including all the rare stickers! Woo! Six empty non-rare spaces so it'll even out at 200 stickers maximum. Looks like I gotta replay some levels... Unless I'll be able to collect stickers in Meta Knightmare Returns mode? I'm gonna try this out next :)

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