Tuesday 19 September 2017

57 final fantasy explorers - grant's endgame, online co-op with joseph, nova and grant

Dear Readers,

Joseph, Nova and I eventually got to play online together and our friend Grant joined again too for a while. He got to experience the endgame. :)

Quest 1: "Her Flanjesty"

Just Joe and me at first, looking for the Princess Flan. It took a while for us to find her actually. We nearly had every enemy in the area cleared before we got the summon.

I had another soul to level up my Goblin. At this point it doesn't have much effect since it's at a pretty high level. I'll have to hunt many monster souls to level it up to 50. It's 46 at the moment.

Quest 2: "Icebrand Slashes Like The Wind"

Aberrant Fenrir, 10 stars. An EL 247 Machinist named Felipe joined. It was a pretty good quest and I got a Lunatic Pendulum too! Yay! :)

Quest 3: "Conquer The Grand Crystal"

Therion, 5 stars. Our friend Grant joined and we all did his endgame mission together. Even though Joe and I beat this mission already, we got the credit sequence as well. We let Grant enjoy while we chilled. I'm not sure if he knows there are up to 10 star missions! :)

Quest 4: "Mastery Trials: Knight"

Any eidolon, 5 stars. Nova joined and Grant left. We did this several times to get Sword Schemas from Odin. We got some this time :) other times we didn't, other times we did. It's not guaranteed.

Quest 5: "The Struggle Against The Battle-God"

Aberrant Odin, 10 stars. I wanted to get an Inimical Greatcoat and aberrant Odin has the drop. We didn't get the drop but we won the battle. There was also a Blue Dragon that had randomly appeared along the way. That was kinda weird but we took care of that as well. :)

We did this quest again but still didn't get the drop. We also did the Mastery trial more times for more Sword Schema drops but got other schemas instead like the Dagger Schema. I guess that's what you get when a Sword Schema hasn't ripened yet.

Quest 6: "Blinding Bolt Of Judgement"

Ramuh, 9 star. Thought we'd try this out for a bit of variety. I learned something else about Deflect; when you hold the button it stays deflecting! I thought you could only use it immediately before you get hit! Been doing things the hard way! It works very well against Ramuh's attacks.

We did the Mastery Trial quest a few more times. I didn't get any more Sword Schemas but one time all three of us did an encase move. It looked pretty cool and like a scene from an anime where we combined all our powers in a final effort to seal up the bad guy! Yeehaa!

We just did one more Princess Flan hunt before calling it a night.

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