Saturday 30 September 2017

50 kirby planet robobot - 5 failed attempts at the true arena

Dear Readers,

Now for The True Arena! For the first attempt I chose the Doctor ability for the health potion move, which I thought would come in handy.

First was Clanky Woods 2.0. It didn't go well. I barely made it out alive. Plus, I couldn't make the health potion — I assume because it's the arena, so I abandoned this strategy.

Second was Holo Defence API 2.0. It put out Holo-Kracko 2.0, which I defeated with Beam. Same with Holo-Doomers 2.0. I lost against Holo-Ice Dragon 2.0...

Ok start again! This time with Archer. The charged up shots I like using against bosses!

Wasn't too hot against Clanky Woods 2.0 but not terrible either. Hard to stand still and charge up an arrow with many of these bosses.

Holo-Kracko 2.0, Holo-Doomers 2.0, Holo-Ice Dragon 2.0 I beat with ease! Holo-Coily Rattler not so much but I got through it.

Lost a lot of health to Susie 2.0. Again, I should have sussed her pattern beforehand. It feels good to shoot a charged shot when all her projectiles are aligned in a path.

Mid-Boss All Stars 1 next. Kibble Blade 2.0 was pretty easy :) As were Blocky 2.0 and King Doo 2.0. Lost to Dubior 2.0 though...

Attempt #3! This time with Ninja. I like using Knife Throw to whittle enemy health down.

Wasn't that great against Clanky Woods 2.0 as it likes to jump around, but I beat it anyway.

Holo-Kracko 2.0 was very easy as there was a good chance to do the Air Drop. Holo-Doomers 2.0 weren't too easy but not too bad either. Good to get both of them with one attack like Shock. Holo-Ice Dragon 2.0 was very easy with the Ninja Kick move.

Susie 2.0 was tough to beat. Air Drops and Ninja Kicks I found were the best to use.

Kibble Blade 2.0 and Blocky 2.0 I beat easily by whittling with Knife Throws and using Air Drops but I lost against King Doo 2.0.

Attempt #4! This time with Stone ability. Turns out I'm not that much of an expert so I usually go with this ability when I'm not doing so well!

Clanky Woods 2.0 was easier this time. Just knowing when to use the Heavy Smash helps a lot! Tom Nook is one of the forms so that was cool.

The Holo Defence 2.0 bosses were much easier too. Beat the two Holo-Doomers 2.0 at the same time which was pretty cool :) Holo-Ice Dragon 2.0 didn't stand a chance and Holo-Coily Rattler 2.0 was still a bit unpredictable but very beatable.

Susie 2.0 was still formidable but I did fairly well against her.

Kibble Blade 2.0, Blocky 2.0 and King Doo 2.0 I beat fairly easily. Got past Dubior 2.0 as well so it was progress!

Stock Meta Knight next. It had the claw and everything. I beat it handily enough.

Dedede Clone 2.0 then. It got annoying when it split into three little clones because they wouldn't all get out of the way at once for me to return back to Kirby form! Had to take some hits here. When they got into the tank they were easy enough to deal with. Just had to take stone form when they moved into range.

Next up was C.O.G.S. and Core Kabula together for a shmup/stg combo. Didn't take too long but got hit a good few times. That 3D plane spanning laser Kabula has is a pretty cool move!

Next up was Mid-Boss All Stars 2. Security Force 2.0, Miasmoros 2.0, Bonkers 2.0, Telepathos 2.0 were all easy to deal with. They graciously moved out of the way a lot too :)

President Haltmann 2.0 next. I nearly lost against him :( I kept falling for the electric shocks left behind after the fake Susies exploded. I beat him, but just barely.

Dark Matter Clone and Sectonia Clone next. I managed to defeat Dark Matter Clone without getting hit luckily and only got hit once by Sectonia Clone. She was really fast so it was hard to pinpoint attacks on her.

Galacta Knight Returns next. This is where I got defeated :(

Whew... On to attempt #5. Stone ability again. I wouldn't mind, but maining with this ability takes ages to get anywhere! Takes a lot of patience.

Along the way, Holo-Coily Rattler 2.0 grabbed me and thrashed me around the place. Got plenty of battle scars!

Susie 2.0 never leaves me without a scratch either :/

Had the same struggle as last time with the Dedede Clones 2.0.

Got on much better against President Haltmann 2.0 this time! Got much less damage.

Beat Galacta Knight Returns this time :)

Finally it was "???". It was revealed to be... Star Dream Soul OS! This time it was extra powerful and the Nova face actually looked like the original golden coloured Nova from Milky Way Wishes. Many of its attacks were doubled and I eventually got defeated by an attack I had never seen before. It was all these piano keys that dealt the last blow. I was struggling the whole battle and I was so close!

I had to stop there though. The heat in my hands drained and I had to take a break. I'll be back next time!

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