Saturday 9 September 2017

37 kirby planet robobot - 6-3 mode code sequence

Dear Readers,

Deeper into the Ark map, this level looks like it has lots of crate moving and electric wiring.

Good thing the Robobot Armour is in a wooden crate at the very beginning! Lots of heavy duty adventuring ahead!

Go into Bomb Mode. It's really handy for the enemies in the climbing section. Plus you need it to time hitting the switches, which will open up the way to the first code cube. Gotta keep them on screen as well while they move as they'll disappear otherwise.

In the next section with the poison gas clouds being blown around by the fans you need Ice Mode to neutralise them. At the end of this section, don't go through the door. Climb up the fence instead to get to a bonus room.

In the bonus room I had to use Ice Mode to freeze the water spouts and make a path for the key runner to unlock the second Code Cube.

In the next section I had to power a screen with Spark Mode! Never saw this before and it's kinda cool! On the screen were the clues showing symbols for Ice, Fire, Spark and then a treasure chest.

For the Ice Mode, I had to guide a snowball head through some fiery sections without it melting and keep it snowy. I attached it to an ice cream snowman and he gave me a star to change plains.

In the next section I carried a cannon and eventually got Fire Mode. I was able to use the cannon at different points where I found fuses to light and shoot upwards to collect some goodies. One fuse eventually led to the next section.

In the next section I carried the metal crate with wires and got Spark Mode. When I powered up the plug I had to race the spark down along by unscrewing platforms at just the right moments and opened up another way forward. Kind of nerve wracking but not too bad and quite fun :)

True to the pattern, the next section had a chest which had the third Code Cube inside! Yay!

The next and final section had a giant Gordo catapult. I had the choice of flinging it at the upper path or the lower path, or so it seemed. Before I did anything I scouted ahead and found a breakable block on the floor right next to it. The blocks near the exit were just simple star blocks too. After the scouting, I didn't pull back the catapult any bit at all and just simply cut the chain with Sword Mode. The Gordo fell through the floor, opening a path to all the treasure chests in this section, including the rare sticker and the exit. It pays to scout ahead!

Here are the new stickers I found in this level:

"Demon" Kanji from Kirby: Planet Robobot
Bandana Waddle Dee Doodle from Kirby: Planet Robobot
Zero from Kirby's Dream Land 3 - The rare sticker for this level

I now have 181 stickers collected. Got a nice congratulatory message for collecting 180 stickers :)

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