Thursday 7 September 2017

36 kirby planet robobot - 6-2 navigating laser hallway

Dear Readers,

Higher up in the Ark, this place has lots of lasers!

First section was tricky and autoscrolling with lots of Sleep ability hazards. Lots to avoid here.

Some cool Rubix cube like objects in the background. Like a cross between them and disco balls. The music has a nice retro computer beat that suits it all really well. I like that cool helix thing in the centre as well.

While avoiding the orbs on the tilt rail ride, keep an eye out for an opening in the ceiling. The rare sticker is up there.

Another Robo Kirby section next. Gotta hit switches to make platforms and avoid enemies on both plains. Can be tricky. At the end of this section, you can get the Robo Kirby to remove the platform of the Security Force robot without even fighting it :) so it's worth keeping it going to the end!

Bonus door in that crate in the background. Here, use the Poison ability to hit the switches, opening the way to the first Code Cube.

The next section had a series of sections with those electronic floor hazards. Had to recover a battery from each one of them, the last of which unlocked the second Code Cube.

The next section is another autoscroller where you have to hit switches in the foreground to make doors open in the background where it scrolls in the other direction when you change plains. No big trick here, just hit all the switches! This leads to the third Code Cube as well.

Here are the stickers I found in this level:

Nightmare Wizard from Kirby's Adventure - the rare sticker for this level. Just a sticker of his head.
Lalala from Kirby Super Star Ultra
Kine from Kirby's Dream Land 2

I now have 178 stickers collected.

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