Monday 11 September 2017

39 kirby planet robobot - 6-5 virtual robobot boss rush

Dear Readers,

From the looks of the map, 6-5 appears to continue my adventure in the virtual world with the deadly blocks. Thankfully I'll have more help now that there's a Robobot armour here too!

First of all though I had to defeat an Invader Armour in order to obtain it. I don't think I've seen it since the first level... I could be wrong though. The game made a big deal of it cinematically when I defeated it too and acquired the Robobot Armour. Not sure why it's special here but I guess this is one of the last levels.

The level continued with hologram mini-bosses and little sections between them. This big diamond shaped thing was creating them.

In one section I had to carry a heavy crate and drop it on top of some blocks, which revealed the first Code Cube.

In another I had to drop a crate to make a platform for the second Code Cube to drop on when I hit the switch to release it.

Then it switched to Jet Mode shmup/stg gameplay again. It was pretty fun this time too, as I was facing standard mini-bosses in this mode and could take them out easily. Their defeats were still dramatic and satisfying though. There were also deadly blocks shoving in from the background so I had to deal with them too. Eventually there was a low path that lead to the third Code Cube.

I crash landed and went back to being regular Kirby again. I didn't go into the cannon nearby and instead flew straight up past the portal without entering. There was a lone star structure at the top that looked suspiciously like a door, and indeed it was!

Through the secret door were more cannons. I made my way through them before getting to one that was aiming at a choice between the sleep ability and a blue star. I instead slid the cannon all the way left off the screen, which revealed a new choice with the rare sticker. After collecting it I followed the blue star path to get the Smash Bros. ability.

A Security Force was waiting for me in the next section. I defeated it and got another Robobot Armour in the background. I needed it for the Gigavolt II mini-boss that was up ahead. It's a more expensive version of the first one! After unscrewing it to bits that was the end of the level.

Here are the new stickers I found in this level:

Mace Knight from Kirby's Fun Pak
"Knight" from Kirby Planet Robobot
Susie from Kirby Planet Robobot - The rare sticker for this level

I now have 187 stickers collected.

After this level and collecting all the Code Cubes so far, the boss stage opened up and 7 EX stage opened up too. Almost at the end now!

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