Monday 18 September 2017

44 kirby planet robobot - meta knightmare through city streets and casinos

Dear Readers,

Now for level 2, where I took my training to the busy city streets. Doesn't seem like the safest place to train... especially when I can easily smash Waddle Dee motorists on a whim!

Usually training for the super strong would be confined to safer spaces, like in the hyperbolic time chamber from Dragon Ball. But no, it's all part of the routine!

After smashing many motorcars, I made my way to the big screw building. Here I found that I could break the spinning orbs easily instead of having to avoid them! I had no idea they could be defeated! I don't remember if the Robobot Armour has this ability. In any case, it feels good to smash them up :)

Then it was on to the casino. Another place seemingly ill-fitting for a serious, stoic knight. It was great to be able to smash up the dice and billiard balls easily. Also, at the part with the roulette I didn't have to avoid the bouncing balls at all. I could just destroy them and move on quickly! This was pretty cool :)

During this level I found out what happens when I let one of the cars hit Meta Knight and launch him face first into the screen. He doesn't blink but he does let out an inconvenienced groan. Nothing to stop me fighting on or anything!

I made my way to the boss with all the Hologram mini-bosses, Holo Defence API 2.0. A single Galaxia Darkness attack from me destroyed the Holo-Doomers :) I defeated the other forms as well and finished the level.

My time for the second level was 24:21.25. Still much slower than my StreetPass peers.

Here are the new stickers I found in this level:

Gobbler from Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Magolor Doodle from Kirby Planet Robobot

I now have 199 different stickers collected. One more to go! :)

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